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Thread: Need for big win against 4-4-2

  1. #11
    Famous Cloverfield's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I use 423w1 for 442 flat.

    Arrows down in dc and mc arrows up in wings.
    HairDryer likes this.
    [First team] Clover 13 - Panathinaikos FC Legends
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  2. #12
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    oh yes what a coincidence yesterday played a match with a 2nd spot team where we still at the top of the league. he is playing a 442 formation vs my 4321 formation. i didnt manage to watch the game result is shocking😮

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Cloverfield View Post
    I use 423w1 for 442 flat.

    Arrows down in dc and mc arrows up in wings.

    Just curious that how to counter 42MC3AW1? It's powerful. Will ND work against it?

  4. #14
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Seangomes12 View Post
    Hey mr hairdryer again?seriously?first of all I never knew u sucked so bad and secondly,instead of passing sarcastic comments about how some formations don't work,try giving a proposal.u tell us which formation you'd like to play.stop criticizing others
    First off i never critize others, you get offended when i show you facts and proof that there are thousand or million people who play this game and have the record you claimed to be the best in TE.(unbeaten 26 0 0).Like i said nothing special in that or magic recipe in formation.You take it as being sarcastic. At least you should thanks me for waking you up from your delusion or a kind words then being rude. Hope you understand.

  5. #15
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Guys, guys, just to make it clear. Top Eleven forum is a place for everyone so everyone is welcome to say anything and share their opinion even if is not something you agree with but as long is on topic is fine.

    Swearing or insulting another forum member can easy in a permanent ban so be aware of this.

    Recently on the forum I've seen some requests like "show me what trophies you won". Please don't insist with this as long nobody is forced to share anything they don't want despite is true that a good trophy room can make you to make much easier an opinion about the manager in cause but just because you won more trophies doesn't mean you are better, there are many factors at the middle like budget, opponents, etc.

    Please be polite with everyone on the forum and try to be constructive.

    PS: I removed all the off-topic posts.
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