use 4-1-4-1 with defensive settings or 3-1-4-2 with offensive settings. i'd suggest the former if ur worried about his offensive players. play deep with long balls, use counter.
use 4-1-4-1 with defensive settings or 3-1-4-2 with offensive settings. i'd suggest the former if ur worried about his offensive players. play deep with long balls, use counter.
don't worry about best players. i dont pick my team that way. i pick a formation and then pick the players. ur best players only perform when they have space to work so when ur playing a superior team, a - they're not as good as they might be and b - ur picking formation based on players which is never wise against a better team.
neither me .. but in my opinion his weakness are in the mid bcz he has only 3, this is why am tempted with 5 in mid to control it
am the master of 4141 and its variations but my problem is the DMC will be a lose of space , and he will be solid at flanks which will reduce my chances unless i dominate him more thus creating more chances and reducing his ones
my team @
League : winner (S1, S2, S3, S6, S7) , runner up (S4*, S5*) * was in holiday away
CL: Winner (S4, S7), runner up (S2, S3, S5, S6)
Cup: Winner (S3)
hmm played a kind similar formation today , but with 1AMC and 1 ST in different sides instead of 2 STs
he was watching his game and was playing around and 4141 seem to work the best, 451 sucked .. let us see how it will work in CL when we will meet in a 10 days time
my team @
League : winner (S1, S2, S3, S6, S7) , runner up (S4*, S5*) * was in holiday away
CL: Winner (S4, S7), runner up (S2, S3, S5, S6)
Cup: Winner (S3)