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Thread: Newbie with a good team. Need help with formation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Question Newbie with a good team. Need help with formation


    I started about a week ago. I'm not a football fan but I love this game. The guys at work have been slating me on my crap team so I worked hard on getting 500+ tokens and bought some decent players (for a newbie).

    This is my formation currently. Is there anything you would change?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Bumppery Bump!

  3. #3
    Rookie Master Tactician's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    some general comments

    don't put 4 red arrows on 4 midfielders. You need 1 or 2 to stay back and be more defensive. I would suggest you to put only 2 red arrows (maybe on wingers). Consider using also 1 blue arrow on 1 MC. (to function as a ball winning midfielder/defensive midfielder)

    Also, since you defend with 3, you may not have 3 blue arrows on them. In reality such a formation, requires from it's defenders to press higher. Therefore you don't have to blue them necessarily because blue means that they will defend deeper. You can use 1 only at your central DC.

    Also, especially in low levels don't use your tokens. These are really low lvls and you spend your T to buy very weak players that will be useless in a month.

    (if you ask me I would never consider spending any money for tokens, but it's really up to u.)
    A football team is like a beautiful woman. When you do not tell her, she forgets she is beautiful

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thanks for your comments. I will have a look now at changing some of them around.

    I managed to get around 500 tokens easily enough with only a few offers. The william hill offers are good as all you need to do is deposit £11, then play a game spending the £1, then withdraw. They will still grant you the tokens. Also the Go Daddy domain one is good, theres one for 230 tokens and you only have to spend £3.

    Anyway, I'm sure I should be able to get the same amount of tokens again at a later date. I bought these players now as I have friends at work that are being very competitive with each other, and being someone who in their eyes is not a "baller", it would be great to be better than them!

    Thanks for your help.


  5. #5
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I beat your formation today using 4-5-1v.

    I only use blue arrows on players I want to stay back so DMC playing against AMC, I put a blue arrow on.
    I put red arrows on AML and AMR.

    It appears a few of your players are tired from training, don't train them so hard. Use green packs or allow them to regenerate to 100% health.

    Keep your morale high aswell. Use blue packs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    your Formation Is Not So Strong.. If Someone With Lower Rating Team Played With Narrow Diamond Then They Should Be Able To Beat U Easily

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    In general, when you're looking at players, try to find players who can play multiple positions. As you ideally want to end up in a situation where you can:

    1/ Play almost any formation with a mixture of 23x players
    2/ After having played any formation, be able to swap out 7 to 11 players for your next game, so that your players will have an opportunity to rest.
    3/ After swapping out your 7 to 11 players, still have the ability to play almost any formation.

    Although this isn't something you have to worry about too much at lvl 1, as you're not in the Champions league, so don't have as many games to play each day. By the time you get to level 2, you want to have a good player rotation setup though.

    This will allow you to adjust your formation before each game, as ideally you shouldn't have a "set" formation, you should look at what formation your opponent is going to run and then choose your formation accordingly. At lvl 1 and 2 most opposition players don't modify their formations a lot, so it's easy to just setup a perfect formation which will destroy them (At higher levels, they might modify their formation though if they see you've changed your formation).

    Personally for me, I think if you're not going to change your formation each game, your formation is ok. Except as mentioned above, probably ditch most of the arrows. For myself I use blue arrows on defenders who are directly marking one of my opposition's strikers (e.g. if they have 2x strikers, I have 2x blue arrows and the guy in between doesn't have an arrow). And I use red arrows when I have an AMC/AMR/AML who doesn't have a DMC/DMR/DML on top of him, but is next to an MC/MR/ML (I figure it'll put a bit of distance between him and the MC).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Johannesburg, SA
    Quote Originally Posted by El Pistolero View Post
    I beat your formation today using 4-5-1v.

    I only use blue arrows on players I want to stay back so DMC playing against AMC, I put a blue arrow on.
    I put red arrows on AML and AMR.

    It appears a few of your players are tired from training, don't train them so hard. Use green packs or allow them to regenerate to 100% health.

    Keep your morale high aswell. Use blue packs.

    tired from training
    More like injured from training!!!!! is this the first lot of injuries of these players? If it happens often to the same player, then he is injury prone. Dump him asap.

    Did you buy young players (future potential if not injured often) or mid (realized potential) or older players (experienced).
    On formation, like the earlier poster mentioned, players, especially defenders and wingers, should be able to play in more than one position.

    Also if you accumulate your skill points for +-two days you should see which players are improving and which are not. Also watch for players who don't recover within 20 hours after training/playing.

    If you are putting tokens in, then its not just the formation but your investment in the squad. DONT ( I think) put your tokens in improving club facilities.

    Finally don't rush into trying to go undefeated or not conceding goals. That will come later...for now experiment with the formations, players and do a little background check (swot) on the opposition ( good / bad players, weak spots, etc)

    ..out of breath..ENJOY
    and expect to lose... BUT not in your case your squad is too strong for L1 and 2 and go ahead and experiment
    Last edited by DiZZee; 10-16-2013 at 02:26 PM.