Hello i m not a begginer of this game, i have now 25 level, playing since 2010, before the game has being scaming our money explaining this is realistic that player with 6stars, 20years old, either legs, full morals and condition can have always bad ratings, i might understand one player.. but NOT ALL OF PLAYERS, i tested 99% of this tactics, i have 3/4 of my squad 6-stars and they are gettings ratings like 4-3-5-6 can somebody tell me WHAT THE F.... is going on? Players from my league using same tactis as me, have more 6 stars players or some of them have teams with 4-stars players and they are GETTING always 9-8-7 so for me its clear, its SCAM for getting our money, and please dont tell me to change the tactic because tactic doesnt chanages rattings![]()