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Siddharth Shanker Singh liked post by Celtic On thread : New Commentary.
The translation is made by a Brazilian girl, she tries very hard, but she doesn't have a clue on how to write in European Portuguese.
She corrects sentences based on what people email her, but the...
Liked On: 08-05-2014, 07:49 PM
Siddharth Shanker Singh liked post by Celtic On thread : Are you kidding me Nordeus PART THREE (As requested by Sid)
Moderators are players who like the game so much, that they volunteer to be part of Nordeus thus I don't expect a player who likes the game so much to acknowledge the vast list of negative aspects...
Liked On: 08-05-2014, 04:23 PM
Mr. Marco liked post by Celtic On thread : Are you kidding me Nordeus PART THREE (As requested by Sid)
Moderators are players who like the game so much, that they volunteer to be part of Nordeus thus I don't expect a player who likes the game so much to acknowledge the vast list of negative aspects...
Liked On: 08-05-2014, 04:14 PM
Siddharth Shanker Singh liked post by Celtic On thread : Cup Draw
Many players have expressed outrage towards level 666 on Facebook even though the game clearly states before starting the level that it is impossible to win. Some have even spent thousands of dollars...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 08:37 PM
Siddharth Shanker Singh liked post by Celtic On thread : Cup Draw
The so-called "NGE" - Nordeus Game Engine (ROFL) is.......... Make Believe.
Arrows, ratings, morale, quality, positions, substitutions... it's Bollox for the most part...
It's a monetizing FB...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 08:36 PM
Siddharth Shanker Singh liked post by Celtic On thread : Cup Draw
The "Cup" is another Top Eleven marketing bait.
It's made to attract those managers who don't really pay attention to the game. You get an easy trophy, you may start paying attention to the game,...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 08:36 PM
Dman2pt liked post by Celtic On thread : Cup Draw
The "Cup" is another Top Eleven marketing bait.
It's made to attract those managers who don't really pay attention to the game. You get an easy trophy, you may start paying attention to the game,...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 05:46 PM
Mo Avengers liked post by Celtic On thread : Has playing a DMC worked for you defensively?
MLs and MRs are supposed to be offensive units backed by DLs and DRs...
What people call 3-5-2 is something more like this... in real life.
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 04:26 PM
Anna Martyniec liked post by Celtic On thread : do good MC exist ?
I had a game gen player averagely rated 8.
During one week I tried to sell the players needed to bring the cash positive, in the night I was going to make an investment, I couldn't connect to the...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 11:45 AM
Mr. Marco liked post by Celtic On thread : do good MC exist ?
I had a game gen player averagely rated 8.
During one week I tried to sell the players needed to bring the cash positive, in the night I was going to make an investment, I couldn't connect to the...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 11:13 AM
Gintaras Račas liked post by Celtic On thread : do good MC exist ?
I had a game gen player averagely rated 8.
During one week I tried to sell the players needed to bring the cash positive, in the night I was going to make an investment, I couldn't connect to the...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 08:03 AM
Philip L. Willis liked post by Celtic On thread : Has playing a DMC worked for you defensively?
In real life no team plays with 2 pure strikers, rather with
-one trequartista like Maradona, also known as the 10, equivalent to an AMC
-one matador like Higuain, also known as the 9 or 11, the...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 07:43 AM
Philip L. Willis liked post by Celtic On thread : Am I being trolled?
Rename him Gheorghe Hagi!
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 07:36 AM
ninjaa liked post by Celtic On thread : do good MC exist ?
I had a game gen player averagely rated 8.
During one week I tried to sell the players needed to bring the cash positive, in the night I was going to make an investment, I couldn't connect to the...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 05:59 AM
Siddharth Shanker Singh liked post by Celtic On thread : do good MC exist ?
I had a game gen player averagely rated 8.
During one week I tried to sell the players needed to bring the cash positive, in the night I was going to make an investment, I couldn't connect to the...
Liked On: 08-04-2014, 05:14 AM