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Thread: Official Managers Association - Out Game Government Institution

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    Official Managers Association - Out Game Government Institution

    Official Managers Association - Out Game Government Institution-pna-icon-logo-gold2.png



    The OFFICIAL MANAGERS ASSOCIATION is an OUT GAME institution created for Top Eleven players, which serves as an intermediary between the players community, made of new/amateur and professional managers , "Supporters Clubs" -Dedicated Communities-, Amateur Communities, and the staff of administrators.


    -Organization of a Government Out Game with a structure similar to FIFA, so that players, mainly by popular election can reach positions of power to direct national teams and other leadership positions of the different tournaments that we will propose at a community level, from the institution itself, always with the main intention of having fun playing top eleven, inside a planned calendar of activities, and at the same time, having level competitions for, when the occasion arises, create the opportunity for managers to win unique prizes and, to have the chance to have a different experience than the one we have just by playing the game.

    So, mainly this will be a Institution, apart from the main Communities that we have in the different sites and platforms, intended to organize activities for the community, and from here, we will reach the Communities to help us to develop the different competitions.
    The Top Eleven Forum will be too a place where to develop the different competitions.

    -The Institution will have a Official Diary, called B.O.D. (Bulletin of the Official Diary) where will post the Competitions Planning, Laws, Rules etc in bulletins. If we create a National federation, it will be announced too in this way.
    If we plan a "style of game" inside a calendar -like a particular comp/s to be played in a period of 4-6 months, we will communicate it too.
    If we call elections for a particular position of power, that could be part of the "Game Mode" that we propose to play, it will be announced too.

    -We will promote the Fair Play inside the competitions, setting mainly an starting AvQ of 114,9% as AvQ of referance in the comps we will do. Not allowing 1-3* players nor 9*s to keep proportional distances between the competitors.

    -The managers will be Ranked at different levels to allow a more precise selection to apply for the different charges that could be created by the own Institution to play and have fun using a organized structure.
    Managers from Level 1 till 19 will be Ranked as Amateurs, 20-49 Ranked as Professional Managers, 50+ Master, Top Server Level Managers will earn the Top Manager level.

    -We have the target to reward time to time the Top Server League Winners with special items, such as promote the communities as a tool to obtain game knowledge and learn.



    NATIONAL FEDERATIONS -President/Captain/Vicepresidencies
    Every single Nation can have a federation here. A President should be elected. He will have main tasks to rule the National team once the O.M.A. competitions are organized, and will be the main figure Representing a nation.
    Every Federation, will probably have too a National team consisting in 11 managers to play different community comps. Some players will be proposed and voted publicly -inside some rules- and others could have the chance to win the place by own merit.
    We could suggest different styles to select players, based on different game mnodes and different kinds of Government Structure.


    We created the Community World Cup, that consists in 4 Continental Qualify Rounds and, a Final Phase played every 3 seasons.
    Season 131 will host the IIIrd Edition, probably from now on, and with the idea to manage different kinds of community competitions we will play it once 4 seasons.
    The winner have a unique emblem designed specially for this Community Competition.

    Official Managers Association - Out Game Government Institution-cwc3rd-icon.png
    Last edited by khris; 03-12-2020 at 11:44 PM.