What should i buy ?
galaxy S3 LTE
iphone 5
i have 3gs and seen 5 and feel its exact same just faster, i fancy a change but would it be for good or bad?
What should i buy ?
galaxy S3 LTE
iphone 5
i have 3gs and seen 5 and feel its exact same just faster, i fancy a change but would it be for good or bad?
Probably Galaxy S3, Iphones have gone lame recently, same thing over again.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
There is not such big difference between iPhone 3,4,5 faster and a bit design changed. I don't know what to tell you, honestly I would go for 5 not for Samsung Galaxy S3, but that one is very good too
but if you had 3gs and you like it, you should go to 5
Take a look at this
Comparing Apple iPhone 5 64GB vs. Samsung Galaxy S3 - 16 Reasons for the Apple iPhone 5 64GB - VERSUS IO
I would go for S3 ! Because Apple products are just overpriced ****.