ok, as everybody know, we (I) need 40 days to train 2 young players in my football school of level 7, ok?
why don't...
choose, "select" the type of player that we want... during.. the first 20 days?
20 days to decide if we want a ST, MC, DR, GK...and 20 days more to wait for it. (if we don't choose, the game choose for us, like now)
I think that if is "OUR" football school ...is more real if we decide how to train our players, no?
...Is not real to have a player as a loaf of bread in the oven... during 40 days withou to know what is that ..to say at the 40ยบ day... "oh, look, is bread" ...-.-' nono... is better to decide... and do the training.... at now I want a ST... remember that if you train players of school they win stars faster than others.
better idea? (^-^)