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Thread: New special ability! Injury resistant

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    New special ability! Injury resistant

    After just half a season in top eleven it appears to me that injuries are more frequent then real life football, maybe because the season is played out much faster then normal football its more noticeable or maybe the idea that I think most intelligent people would subscribe to is the game is run on tokens! without them how else would the game be funded?

    I if i was a real life football manager I would scout a player before buying them. looking at what i believe are key elements

    (when you buy a car you would want to know its history wouldn't you?)

    Games played/age
    win ratios%
    goals scored/clean sheets
    pass completion %
    tackle win rate %
    work rate
    what league the player played in and the standards of that league
    Minutes per goal/chance conversion %
    previous achievements cup/league winners medals
    Injuries during their career, type of injuries treatments used on said player

    I'm aware top eleven isn't real but most of the above data isn't shown on the transfer list when you click a player unless I'm missing a trick (please correct me if I'm wrong) wouldn't it be nice if even the basics were shown to the buyer like form history, achievements, games played etc

    Maybe the solutions to some of the games flaws could make SA more useful

    My Ideas
    injury resistant where a player who has it is maybe XYZ% less likely to get injured!
    Leadership player gets 10% boost if they are captain.
    How about Cool Headed XYZ% less likely to get cards!
    or Impact Sub! XYZ% boost for coming on after 70th min?
    Passion player is more likely to commit fouls but also more likely to have a moment of brilliance Think Liverpool CL comeback or Christiano Ronaldo's famous Wink after getting rooney sent off, Hand of God, Henry hand against Ireland, ZZ headbutt

    maybe these ideas have been talked about before but as a new player I have not been following the forums for long enough to know

    Please Be constructive with the pro or cons of the ideas

    A con but also a way for nordues to possibly gain some tokens and also help the avg player would be pay 1 token to see player history form goals injuries etc

  2. #2
    Apprentice Splatter95's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I think there are some cool ideas, hopefully Nordeus will take care of it...
    My name is Obvious, Captain Obvious!

    My Team: RXL

  3. #3
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I think is ok how is now, if they will add more SA it will be hard if you will want to make a team with all SA.

    But that with leadership I like it.

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    New special ability! Injury resistant-injuried-team.jpg you say injuries? (^-^)' here 7 injuries and 2 red cards, for the history.