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Thread: Tokens

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Unhappy Tokens

    I heard many people say it already but I think that if Top Eleven stopped making the game so easy for people who buy in tokens!
    It is so much easier for those people who buy tokens to win auctions as they can go on through so many more knockout stages and therefore buy in better players to advance through the leagues.
    To buy scout players you need 50 tokens which is a stupid amount to pay for non token buyers as it would take more than a season to generate that much from media. Fair enough scout players are expensive but then it again a stupid amount of tokens to seriously train a player with personal trainer! So people without tokens struggle to build a team with any scout players!
    Top eleven have made the game easy for anyone who buy tokens but hard for those who don't.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    This applies to all freemium games - those that have cash to blow, support the developers and progress faster in the game. Yes, it potentially makes certain teams and players much, much, much better because they spend the cash, but that's the case in the real world too...
    Mohamed Sultan likes this.
    Currently reading Kick-Off on my iPad.
    Top Eleven Manager Level: 5

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Is it possible for non-token buyers to have a fair amount of succes in this game? I'm not talking trebles every season, but the occasional trophy would be nice, and finishing in the top seven more often than not. I'm only a new level two manager, and doing great in my first matches, but buying new, good players (not too old 4-5 stars) is rather difficult. And I can foresee difficulties when I go up a level, causing my players to drop a star. I could end up with a full 1-star squad if I can not replace them with better players... Training helps, but I'm not sure if I can get players to increase one star per season with training.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Random View Post
    Is it possible for non-token buyers to have a fair amount of succes in this game? I'm not talking trebles every season, but the occasional trophy would be nice, and finishing in the top seven more often than not. I'm only a new level two manager, and doing great in my first matches, but buying new, good players (not too old 4-5 stars) is rather difficult. And I can foresee difficulties when I go up a level, causing my players to drop a star. I could end up with a full 1-star squad if I can not replace them with better players... Training helps, but I'm not sure if I can get players to increase one star per season with training.
    It is, I am having a bit of success
    League: 5th Season 1 3rd Season 2 On-going Season 3 [2nd after 2 matches]
    Cup: Preliminary Season 1 Quarter Finals Season 2 On-going Season 3 [ Just won 2-0 in Qualifying 1st leg]
    Champions League: DNQ Season 1 DNQ Season 2 On-going Season 3 [Drew 1st game 1-1 so 3rd]
    but I agree with you about the fact that I have had the cash to buy a player but had to bid against a token buyer. Also I see no point in having scout players if only token buyers can afford them, I know people who don't buy tokens can buy scout players but it will take 1.5 seasons to generate enough Tokens for a scout player. I currently only have 12 Tokens whereas people will have 100's and even 1000's!
    Last edited by James; 08-28-2013 at 10:08 PM. Reason: Mistake

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Kula, Serbia
    It is pretty hard, but my suggestion is to find the right time of the day to go to the transfer market, and to have rigft timing in order to buy a player. I did very well this season, changing all my 3* for 4* with about 5-6 tokens just because i was on in the midnight. And about matches, try to have the formation which counters the other team. Its easy in the beggining though, because there are many inactive and illegal teams.
    Last edited by Jovan Tomić; 08-29-2013 at 11:04 AM. Reason: Grammar

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Ill add a quick comment to all the posts above..

    I do buy the tokens as and when I need the investment in order to improve my squad. Because you simply cant build a really good team without purchasing players at some point.. Catching the auctions at the right time as suggested, is the only realistic chance of a non token buying players ever getting quality * players for the season there in.

    I built a really strong squad for my league in seasons 2 and 4 buy purchasing tokens (usually 150) and have maintained there progression in the seasons in between by training every day.. Occasionally with power training certain players only if I could afford the health packs to do it.

    Doing it this way i have been really successful in the 5 season i have played so far, with 3 league and 2 champions league wins. and would recommend any new manager to do the same.

    If you are unable or unwilling to invest even those small amounts of money then i am afraid its mid table mediocrity for your team most seasons. As the truth is as in the real world that MONEY talks.

  7. #7
    Rookie Flinger's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Random View Post
    Is it possible for non-token buyers to have a fair amount of succes in this game? I'm not talking trebles every season, but the occasional trophy would be nice, and finishing in the top seven more often than not.
    Yes, it is perfectly possible, at least in the earlier levels.

    I'm currently on level 5, i have 1 league title, and always finished top 3, most times fighting for the title until the last games. I've qualified to CL's Knockout stage several times, and went to the semi's once, battling way stronger teams. I won last season's Cup.

    To the 35 Tokens a season, from media, i added about 20 Tokens from farming. Basically wasted on Youth players, which i can't keep at high level because i can't afford to Power train them. You do have to learn where to invest or not, when to invest, etc, depending on your time-zone, server and level...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

  9. #9
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    hahahaha will be super, if norton convert this game as in the reality, and... imagine;
    you have a team.
    You don't waste money.
    You win leagues, champions, cup... or maybe you dont win, just have... 3 leagues? and.. you loose 2 finals, yeah?
    and... without waste any token, you recive a letter, from an arabic millionarie, from Qatar^^ and he say that next season, you can waste... 150 tokens to buy players?
    yeahh if nordeus do that the game wiill be more attractive (^-^)

    Well but in the end it's true, just see the reality... Chelsea waste 900M of euros to win a champions league (they need lots of years..)
    Barcelona... have 450 milions of debt with the bank... so, well all the teams of our league, (in spain) are playing with players that they can not pay, just all is take money from the bank... and someday we will pay.... -.-' is Scotland for example thats not possible, Glasgow rangers go to the 4th division for a debt of "only" 20 milions... and barcelona wins the 4th champions ..with a debt of 450 milions, and against teams with debt 0. .... so....-.-' in the game, and in the reality, thats not attractive, you play with players using money of a rich man, or money that you don't have... but ... that's what we have....

    At the end, is what I said in another post, you can do the strategy to don't waste tokens, just training during 1 season and, don't assign the skill points.
    You will end the season with the worst team that you had when season stars, you will try to end, 8th, or 9th. position but, in the second season, been in the same level, just assign all the skill points that you saved, and you will have a team with players of 5, or 6 stars. and with options to win all.
    Mohamed Sultan likes this.