Well, I have a strange situation, with full of bulgarian "friends" that goes to all the matches that they have to win the 15% of posesion.... really....
I am thinking that maybe this factor don't have to affect as now affects, and maybe will be good to implant an entrance fee, for the people that helps "visitor managers". Is a good deal nope? when I go to the Camp Nou, or other stadiums I have to pay, to see the match, so...¿?
Yeah, is true that that's a game, and... yeahhh brother, "peace my friend" we just wanna play.... but..... I prefeer games 1vs 1 not with advantadges to one or to the other, so, if somebody wanna help the other team in my stadium, I think that this people have to pay this "entrance fee" and the price of it have to be higher with the level,, so, people of level 2,3,4 will have to pay more (a lot) to help level 10, or level 15 teams.
any idea in this sense^^
maybe you like it like is now^^
wikwik talk now or never^^