So for World Cup i would say to be organized every 2 Seasons, 1 season in which it is qualify stage
2nd season the World Cup itself..
So this is the idea format:
Basically all leagues have their own World Cup (except league 1.. just as c.l)
The the teams of league 2 of each country fight it out..
for example
360 Teams/Manager from Sweden in league 2
Fight it out in cup format, no away and home.. 1 game in every stage of the qualify
The winner of all this, gets to represent Sweden in World Cup League 2
For example, SnakeEater FC Won the qualifying stage for Sweden teams
Then it would say Sweden (SnakeEaterFC) in the World Cup
This same structure applies for all leagues, ofc the server has most likly more than 360 swedish teams in league
Therfore it will only pick up the strongest ones.. based on team value or team average stars
So any toughts,,
EDIT: Regarding the "to many games/day, tired players"
Lets say that the top 5% of each country each league, that qualify for the QUALIFY WC
And their games in WC, dosent affect Rest, but can recieve injuries... but REST is the same
And is not affected by WC Games, their.. PROBLEM SOLVED
Regarding "i got players from asia, and africa etc, how can they play for england"
Well this is World Cup "Top Eleven Style" , its simple whilst in a World Cup game, your players
Country flag is swaped for the Nation you are playing for...
But only temporarily for World Cup.. PROBLEM SOLVED
P.S Please post more problems, so that we can solve.. and make this World Cup just perfect!
(Because, whats a football game without the largest cup in the world..)