Bla Bla Bla - every one of you complain and have opinion about how the youth program have to be, but none of you remember that NORDEUS want your tokens. This game is made on this concept - to use tokens.
You pay tokens for your youth players and when you buy players on the market. Now lately they found another more profitable system to take our tokens, the Negotiation Market. It is not enough we have to pay 6-9 tokens tax to be able to bid for the player, they also have to take 1/2 of the tokens offered for the buy if you decide to pay more than the market value. So who gains? Well that's an easy question to answer. Why did you thing they made the Negotiation transfers? For you to be able to buy better players? Noooo, is a better way to gain more tokens. Get used to this idea if you want to play this game and win ... tokens rule the game.
I hope I'm not going to be banned for this message again....hahahaha