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Thread: 2nd day of the season is boring.

  1. #1
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    2nd day of the season is boring.

    It's my personal feeling but 2nd day of the season is boring.
    Ok, the first is interesting, to see your oppo in Cup, CH.L., to buy some new players and give some friendly games.
    I would prefer to give my CH.L. game the second day and to have some more relaxing day round the middle of the season were also there are more injuries.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  2. #2
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    It gives us time to play friendlies and powertrain our fast trainers, to test new players and how will they react on various positions. At least that should help. I've played 10 friendlies before league start but didn't help me
    Btw. some managers think that this break is too short, so your statement is quite interesting from that point of view
    Ex top eleven player

  3. #3
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I've played 10 friendlies before league start but didn't help me
    Friendly games coudn't help me much to have solid conclusions about my positions - setting of my players.
    Here, we have two sizes - my team and opponents team. If I want to measure my team, the other size must be the same every time, so the other team must be the same, with the same players/formation/orders and morale/condition so I can observe my team how is reacting. It's not easy to do it with some other players of the game (for many reasons).
    I have another team but now is to low in q comparing with my main team, so if we add the random factor/ roll dice of the game, I cannot have anymore trustful results.
    Maybe can help for some to obvious things - a player that gets rates of 4-5, but not where to use a ST or DC or MC (left-right position) or a corner/ free kick taker.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ