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Thread: Injuries

  1. #1
    Newbie Mean Machine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Zagreb, Croatia


    I'm sorry that my first post on this forum is a negative one but this is the first time I felt like really complaining after playing this game for well over year and a half, for reason I stated in the title. Now, I don't know if you tweaked something about game mechanics but I'm playing with 2 clubs (one on my own, other on my mate's profile) and have so far had 2 players injured in training (normal, expected) and about 16-20 players injured in matches (clubs combined), which isn't normal since it's only day 8 of the season. I won the league with both clubs last year and am still coming strong this season but I've come to the point where I'm praying to finish the match with no injured players rather than winning. I'm submitting a screenshot of the incident to illustrate what I'm talking about, would add all the screenshots but my news don't go back further than one page.

    Here goes, just last 2 days (and one more match to go today):

    That's 5 injuries in 3 matches, and it's not just a freak accident: it's been happening since the start of the season. Now, sometimes players get injured on their own but I watched matches and checked statistics and 90% of my injured players were injured by other teams' players, due to all-out pressing and HARD tackling. Seems like everyone and their mother's doing it these days. Now I have two suggestions:

    1) Make it harder for players to be injured by tackles, this percentage is ridiculous.

    2) IRL, when a player has to be 'stretchered off' due to a foul, tackle or whatnot, the offending player's looking at a yellow card, minimum (quite often a red). I highly recommend punishing all inflicted injuries with a card -automatically, or a red card -set a high percentage. People should learn some responsibility.
    P.S. When playing cup I always set a reserve team, not a single weaker team I played this season played gently: they're all out to inflict maximum damage before getting kicked out of the competition.

    Thank you for hearing me out, at least.
    Last edited by Mean Machine; 11-25-2012 at 01:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Newbie Heithem Trejekovic's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    i agree ! i got 6 injuries in 2 matches

  3. #3
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    yes, here I agree with you, not even in real life could happen to have 5,6 injured players in 2,3 games...
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  4. #4
    Newbie Mean Machine's Avatar
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    Zagreb, Croatia
    I would appreciate some feedback from the mods. After all, this IS supposed to be the suggestions thread...

  5. #5
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    @Mean Machine on forum you won't find to many moderators or dev. to answer you, try to send them a mail but I can tell you there are at least 20 more who send a mail to them and here is me too
    Orlova FC - onForum - LIKE Orlova FC - onYoutube - SUBSCRIBE Orlova FC - onFacebook

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I have opened a thread about this problem few days ago... No comment from mods.