I've been thinking in some things:
1- Skill Point that we recive via Gift should go not toa random player, should go to the Captain of the team.
2- "Free League Cup" season have 4 weeks so I've been thinking in some options.
I've been thinking that the system can "add" in the calendar 1 "Friendly League Cup".
This will be a free tournament. Free means that we have no boosters and these matches don't waste condition, let's say that are a plus and that will be useful to test the players.
This League Cup can be played/in the schedule after the 13th League match, and will be played for the 8 teams in better position.
Winner despite don't win boosters, or waste condition, can win a trophy and a little amount of money.
2.2- a second option is that the system programm automatically 1 cup per week as a friendly League training or similar, and, in this case, "we have the option to attend and win boosters with a waste of condition as local team" -but- we can have the option to eliminate the schedule and, then our team will play in automatic and we will -leave the cup in active mode- so, no waste of condition, we will have no option to attend or win the cup and award, but, as cup "should be played" others that dont leave, will face our team as normally.
3- Flags page-
Since the iron age, Ive suggested that the page of flags have no sense and should be changed for a page that save individual awards of our players. So I suggest to eliminate it (agaiiin) and do a "Hall of Fame" where to read the names of players that won the golden boot or some of the Tops.
Discussion open.