To get to a friends match (or any other currently being played) via mobile, a user has to:
1) select Fixtures from the left side pull out menu
2) wait for loading
3) slide over to the friends' or now playing screen
4) select the match to watch
5) wait for loading
However, there is already a pop out notification, temporarily present in lower right corner over any other screen, announcing the current matches and allowing user to go directly to view that match.
I propose that pop out notification, when it minimizes, should remain as an expandable tab as long as there is any relevant match being played (friend, cup, etc). So when a player wants to check in on a game, or has many friends to support in a short time frame they only:
1) expand the lower right tab
2) select a match
3) wait for match to load.
Related suggestion:
Both the current matches pop-out and FA kick-off/scoreline notifications should be user toggle-able. Some would prefer they don't cover the action of their own match.