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Thread: Scouts contract, loan style?

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Scouts contract, loan style?

    Let's imagine that we have a Scout for 69T... this price is for all the season... I always defended the idea that is not the same buy a player the 1st week or the last, 69T the day 1 or the day 23 is really a very different situation. (Well we know it after play some weeks and know how works the system, xD)

    So let's imagine that we have the option to obtain a scout any day of the season during 14 days, as a loan for the 50% of the price and then we can buy him completly, if we pay, the other 50%.

    So if one don't work when we bought him at the end of the season, we can start next season saving tokens and trying for another scout, that will have a more acceptable level, maybe will be younger, etc.

    "Optimize I call at this".

  2. #2
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Kind of like a "try before you buy " ?
    Maybe add a HP option as well?