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Thread: Two features to remove

  1. #1
    vad is offline
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    Two features to remove

    1. Notifications about the transfers in friends' clubs. The reason to have friends is to trade boosters and to watch each other's games, thus providing a possession bonus. The information that friend's club has signed up new player X does not help me in any way, there's nothing I can do about it (not even to send congrats, if I wanted), it's completely irrelevant, but every time I have to click on that tab and make those notifications "read".

    2. Automatically making the players who are one notch before the next star available for negotiations. If I need a specific player, I will actually go to friends' clubs (especially friends one-two levels above me), see who might be not very useful to them while being valuable to me, and make an offer. But inferring that every player who is just about to receive the next star, must be available for negotiations, has no logical grounds, and therefore practically no chances that the manager would agree to the offer.
    Last edited by vad; 04-04-2017 at 04:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    1. Totally agree.
    2. Disagree. I have 24 players in my team, 8-9 of them are "trash" players I use only for bonus training. I don't watch their progress, so automatic availability for negotiation helps me here. Otherwise I wouldn't sell them at all.
    And it is a good thing to have a lot of friends, especialy 1-2 levels higher, but it is not a suitable solution for everybody.
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  3. #3
    vad is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxcatl View Post
    I don't watch their progress, so automatic availability for negotiation helps me here. Otherwise I wouldn't sell them at all.
    I'm not saying that it's unreasonable to automatically make some players available for negotiations. I'm saying that determining that by the proximity of their next star does not make sense. If the star mattered anything, it would make more sense to do it after having just received it. Or it could be the player having played in zero games for X weeks, like you mentioned. Another way might be the manager putting them on long-term auction without the limit on the maximum price, plus some tokens.

    Could be many ways, but doing it just before the next star just does not make sense to me.
    Last edited by vad; 04-04-2017 at 05:20 PM.

  4. #4
    Rookie peteryeung's Avatar
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    I don't think they should remove these two features because you can see how the other teams are doing in terms of reinforcement so that can be a reference for me on buying players. Anyway just my opinion.

  5. #5
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vad View Post
    I'm not saying that it's unreasonable to automatically make some players available for negotiations. I'm saying that determining that by the proximity of their next star does not make sense. If the star mattered anything, it would make more sense to do it after having just received it. Or it could be the player having played in zero games for X weeks, like you mentioned. Another way might be the manager putting them on long-term auction without the limit on the maximum price, plus some tokens.

    Could be many ways, but doing it just before the next star just does not make sense to me.
    I think we are going to far, you must remember that this is a browser game and things should remain as simple as possible. Honestly I wouldn't like to get lost in dozens of options like this one. For me, the system is quite good and as long is been for years like this and I haven't had any major issues with is OK.
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  6. #6
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteryeung View Post
    I don't think they should remove these two features because you can see how the other teams are doing in terms of reinforcement so that can be a reference for me on buying players. Anyway just my opinion.
    You are right that can be useful but honestly I do agree with vad because I am not sure who many managers actually use that. Plus is not like you can't check after. This is just my opinion : )
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Friends transfers at same level as me is all I'm interested in. Why would I care about a friend 20 levels above or below me?