I think players should retire at the age of 36-38. I think 32-33 is too early for players to retire in real life
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I think players should retire at the age of 36-38. I think 32-33 is too early for players to retire in real life
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It's what I thinked about among watching CL Monaco vs Juventus.
You see buffon have 39 old and he's always playing.
Club: Valhalla
Purpose : to be football manager and leading my national team
Yeah you see Ronaldo is 32 is he's not even close to retiring
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guys only in real life footbal.l. In TE i cannot imagine how we going to train player at the age of 30 and above, at 38-39 🤔.
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We know there is (or was, since nobody has reconfirmed Al's data after v5.6) a Training Efficiency formula dictating the rate of skill gain for age and a range of " trainability". Nordeus could very simply adjust that TEF formula however they wanted to balance it.
But, they seem to be more keen on speeding up the game than slowing it down and making emotional connections with our players.
Yeah but it's really annoying that I have to buy players everytime someone retires
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Atleast 36
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a player should occasionally stay longer, as in reality, It could be up to 35 at least, and maybe 38,39.
Yes, this is one step in this direction and I like it. This feature should be extended.