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Thread: Suggestions for a better game

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Toulouse, France

    Suggestions for a better game

    I am level 54, 5 years i play every day, so i think i know this game. I have some suggestions to do for a better game :
    - the first is to change the servers in league, cup, champions league because it does 2 years i play every time the same teams... for the transfert and associations, there is different servers, so it will be great to do this for league and others competitions...
    - possible to change a number of a color pack to an other color... for example, change 500 red packs in blue packs... change between red or blue or green
    - possible to have for beggining, 1 player maximum loan by an other friend... loan exists in real life, so for no having cheaters, possible just 1 loan maximum by team
    - change transferts lists all 2 minutes and not 4...
    -scouts players younger

    Thanks you

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by tomy31 View Post
    I am level 54, 5 years i play every day, so i think i know this game. I have some suggestions to do for a better game :
    - the first is to change the servers in league, cup, champions league because it does 2 years i play every time the same teams... for the transfert and associations, there is different servers, so it will be great to do this for league and others competitions...
    - possible to change a number of a color pack to an other color... for example, change 500 red packs in blue packs... change between red or blue or green
    - possible to have for beggining, 1 player maximum loan by an other friend... loan exists in real life, so for no having cheaters, possible just 1 loan maximum by team
    - change transferts lists all 2 minutes and not 4...
    -scouts players younger

    Thanks you
    I agree with all of these. I’m level 49, 4 years playing. Same issues.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
    Level 131
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    8 Champions/Elite League
    4 Super League/Gold Cup
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  3. #3
    Newbie cirkat07's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I feel you.

    The fact of having like 200-300 Medical kits and having just some green packs.. it sucks man, but I doubt that Nordeus will add that.

    The transfer time is horror, sometimes I push for someone and then I forgot of him haha.