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Thread: A variant of what we have for the 3 months of Winter - The Khris Theory

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    A variant of what we have for the 3 months of Winter - The Khris Theory

    The TE Winter version of Khris.

    This is part of a report I was doing where I wanted to write a variant of what's been trying to be done;
    "The idea is that is needed to foment the competitiveness, and the art to be a manager, thats why Ive been continuously suggesting to delete the
    achievements, now obsolete and create targets that can be different each season.

    Thats why I think that to promote the work, and yeah, I know we all are masters here of the game, and we know that the draws are manipulable
    and so, but I'm gonna focus in the main competitions and the effort, so I believe in another "sense" doing the things so, and to keep this
    "idea" of challenge, rewards + posible scout buying -but at reasonable price- I think is needed to keep the spirit of what the community is
    asking for + what is inside these last updates as an attempt to catch people using tokens for 8*'s or even 9*-"
    But as the report was going to have more than 20k words Im gonna do a resume. lol

    .1- Relate the Obtention of jerseys to the main competitions.
    "I would like"... for example have the chance to fight for a free jersey or emblem in each competition.
    This would be always available in the shop but, lets say as it costs 60T, so "my suggestion here" is apply a progressive discount when we win rounds inside the comps, so 60T for the jersey during CL group stage, if we reach the 1/8 round, 40T, 1/4 20T, sf's 12T finalist 5 winner for free.¿?...thats how own fight for a jersey IMO.
    So relate the prices of special items that can have a discount, to the performance.
    In the same way for the league the price can be reduced with every point won till it is free.

    2-Relate the tops to the AvQ available of the academy.
    So, we have a 2* and 5* now,
    This would be increased if we have more players and too, in different tops like:
    players only in 1 top:
    1Top 1 player, same as always? 2* 5* ¿?
    1top 2 players -2* + 100+110% academie
    1-3 - 3* + 105% -115% academie
    1-4 -4* + 110% -119% A.
    1-5 -5* + 120% -129%

    players in 2 tops
    1 in each- 3* 110% A.
    2 players in one of the tops- 4* - 110-120%
    3"" 5 - 121%-129%
    4- 6* - 130-139%
    5- 6* + 140 -159%

    players in 3 tops:
    1 as max.- 4* + 115-120% Academie
    2players in 1 of the tops, 2 or the 3- 5* +121 - 130%
    3""- 6* + 131% - 140%
    4- 7* + 141% 159%
    5-8* + 160+% academie

    Relation of prices for the non free academies, each star = + increase price the 50% like (1st player free as now):
    5* - 12T
    6* -18T
    7* - 27T
    8* - 50T
    9* - 75T

    So this benefit been applied during the whole next season after the tops are made? maybe too inside the current season when the academies are available? ...maybe link these offers with the recommendations??
    It is well known that to have players in the top you need to compete, so, thats the point, compete in exchange of factor X.

    Last edited by khris; 11-29-2017 at 12:28 AM.
    HonobuluCity likes this.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Yea I try to be light, keeping the main concepts of the updates, and the main concepts that I think r needed, so... so light but a point where to start, and that keeps the target in 1st place, promove the competitiveness and the "fight for" , thats ma point. UN-link more the rewards that come from tanking and assos... etc