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Thread: game manipulation, cheater

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    game manipulation, cheater

    we've been playing this game very long time. But this unfair situation in recent times. We are fighting in the world top list in the association section of the game. But a association is sitting on the leadership seat in the world top list, setting a contrary order to the natural flow of play. We have documented it with screenshots that I have shared with you, and this fake order that they have established is fixed with general rules of the game which is not fair.
    As you can see, they break down their positions in the finals and give points and averages to their actual associations. We ask you to take care of the issues in order to provide balances within the game and to make the fighting fairer. We want the authorities to do it properly.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails game manipulation, cheater-20171202_234339.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-20171202_234517.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-145019.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171206-215156.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171206-215140.jpg  

    game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-111334.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-111031.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-111028.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-111021.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-111307.jpg  

    game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-111303.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-111247.jpg   game manipulation, cheater-screenshot_20171203-111250.jpg  

  2. #2
    ziz is offline
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    This is not ok. Nordeus please ban them!
    The_Savage_1 and girl gooner like this.

  3. #3
    Apprentice Jean.Monico's Avatar
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    Wow. They should get some punishment

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Any chance of any feedback from any of the admins on this?
    It's not the first time we've seen 2 associations who are obviously in collaboration with each other, if not indeed controlled by the same managers meet in a tournament.
    Personally I don't give a toss what they do in the associations tournament. It's when you meet one of these perpetual tankers in the cup or the champions league that you know you are being robbed. And if one of them decides to screw you over in the league or "forgets" to reset their formation to tanking mode after the weekend, then there really is no point in playing any longer.
    The first thing I do now on the opening Sunday of the season is look at every team playing in my cup and champions league. Looking for? Repetitive tankers. Because if there's no chance of winning then what's the point in playing for the league? Might as well tank myself.
    And this method of boosting teams purely for associations purposes has been in existence for so long now that you have the possibility of meeting one of these teams during any given season.
    Many, many months ago I said somewhere here in the forum that associations would be the end of Top Eleven, and even after removing the loan feature and introducing the individual skill cap, nothing, NOTHING has changed.
    Associations full of repetitive tankers will always fill the platinum division and the world top 10. Whist at the same time the individual teams have the ability to destroy any teams chances in league, cup and champions league.
    Nordeus, you've created a monster, let it loose, and seem to have no desire to put a stop to it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Altiplano View Post
    Any chance of any feedback from any of the admins on this?
    It's not the first time we've seen 2 associations who are obviously in collaboration with each other, if not indeed controlled by the same managers meet in a tournament.
    Personally I don't give a toss what they do in the associations tournament. It's when you meet one of these perpetual tankers in the cup or the champions league that you know you are being robbed. And if one of them decides to screw you over in the league or "forgets" to reset their formation to tanking mode after the weekend, then there really is no point in playing any longer.
    The first thing I do now on the opening Sunday of the season is look at every team playing in my cup and champions league. Looking for? Repetitive tankers. Because if there's no chance of winning then what's the point in playing for the league? Might as well tank myself.
    And this method of boosting teams purely for associations purposes has been in existence for so long now that you have the possibility of meeting one of these teams during any given season.
    Many, many months ago I said somewhere here in the forum that associations would be the end of Top Eleven, and even after removing the loan feature and introducing the individual skill cap, nothing, NOTHING has changed.
    Associations full of repetitive tankers will always fill the platinum division and the world top 10. Whist at the same time the individual teams have the ability to destroy any teams chances in league, cup and champions league.
    Nordeus, you've created a monster, let it loose, and seem to have no desire to put a stop to it.
    I Hate tanking and like you am vigilant to those who do it. I'm also developing a can't beat them join em attitude. In the interests of fairness I have never raised this issue with anyone at top eleven. Support or forum's. Just sitting silently cursing them.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by girl gooner View Post
    I Hate tanking and like you am vigilant to those who do it. I'm also developing a can't beat them join em attitude. In the interests of fairness I have never raised this issue with anyone at top eleven. Support or forum's. Just sitting silently cursing them.

    Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
    As it happens I've had a reply from in game support today, about a different topic, however my concerns about repetitive tanking were answered.
    Of course I'm not allowed to post a screen shot of the message here in the forum, rules don't you know.
    But suffice to say tanking for associations isn't going away anytime soon.
    girl gooner likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sofia, Bulgaria
    As i see your assoc is 9 stars quality and i have a pretty simple question- tell me in two words how all of your assoc. teams have an 9 star teams. I think most of your teams achieved that using the same "cheating"method in their league competition from witch you are complaining right now.Prove me wrong i want to see your won trophies from the last season.
    nikolgiorgos likes this.

  8. #8
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    Manipulation and tanking is not cheating just an option. It been this way since so so long nothing Nordeus can do. Although I personally dont like it but if you can i can do better.
    Its all about choice how you play your game and how you feel. So obvious to notice what the top 10, 20 or 100 in Asso Fa is doing and still doing.And here we are keep complaining while they laughing collecting ****load of tokens every season.
    Sad but Nordeus do nothing.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    My Association is clean

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Some of you seem to forget one important thing :

    Despite he is in an all 9 stars FA group due to something we call " tanking " ( maybe not , maybe all big donators lol ), it is not illegal !
    But manipulating the match making by competiting against another 9 stars FA group which belong to you , it is completly illegal .

    It is quite easy to be in compétition each week end with your sister FA group , especially between 9 stars FA who are a few only ( there is much much more five or six or even seven stars FA in the draw ) You set the same time match in the two FA group and i am pretty sure that you have more than 50% chance to compete with your second FA group each week end , in semi final,or in final

    This is what he wanted to show us , with the TURKISH LEGEND ( actually called JERUSALEM PALESTINE because they have political message to spread lol )and what seems to be their second FA group call YOUNG TURKISH LEGEND ( #YJENDD ) .

    The "hot" thing to do is letting at your second FA more than 1350 each times to staying in the same division lol
    Last edited by Kaizer Franz; 12-13-2017 at 02:33 PM.
    HairDryer, 112000 and nikolgiorgos like this.

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