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Thread: 2018 changes for FAs ¿? thesis thread... Khristmas Letter lol

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    2018 changes for FAs ¿? thesis thread... Khristmas Letter lol

    Delete the FAs.

    No, I'm gonna be more philosophical and explain my theory.
    First of all, I think that the FAs are one of these features that right now cause a big consumption of resources and limite the game more than what we think.
    I think -knowing how the game works and is limited itself- that this don't allow to progress in some other stuffs.
    I think too, (and I always defended) that the lack of limits -so the freedom in many senses- is something that has allowed T11 to grow and be the game that is now-
    I think too that right now, for example when we analyze this furor with the Mutant Players, the game is absolutely unfair because "to have an advantage you need to know some tricks -and here I add too the trick related to decrease the AvQ to participe in leagues and cups of 2*- that only a part of the community knows and that in some sense, are part of a legal abuse of the game... but same time part of this freedom"

    If we talk about Nordgens for example, someone could consider these as a trick cause almost all were fast trainers but my line here is different, because these players where a nice incentive achievable for all, just been there when the server started the day and were something special. And Nordgens where something with "a sense".

    Is not special IMO have skills till 340% because the engine finally gave me the reason after 4 years saying that oversizing the speed, till 10-12* before, now 340% is 18*, created a difference that was enough to create a difference in the 1vs1 to overcome these situations, despite that some external skills just affect slightly -and here we had the proof that my thesis was not so wrong- to the internal skills. IMO not special cause is irreal, breaks the own game calibration -which is limited itself, creating scenarios, discarding players to be the protagonists of some matches etc- eliminate IMO the serious/credible part of the game, cause have no sense have 1%'s mixed with 1000's as we had wit a marked regulated at 80%.

    Tanking is something I've been doing, considered more legit or less if it is forced, but IMO, is a needed part of the game, cause personally without "a option to rest but keep playing in some way at same time" my bets are that probably the 50% of he actual managers would not have continued playing basically for 2 main reasons, that are a own sensation of control under the game and, 2, this freedom allow managers to keep their teams inside the game so, is a 2calling effect" -so I still here cause despite be inactives, others still here and can compete at any moment.

    In this point Im agree in that "the effort" should be valued and is a very negative point that to have 9* teams stuck in the assos some managers are tanking, so despite be a confessed tanker I always suggested the idea to put limitations there -such as decrease buildings, limite training to high AvQ players ect too etc

    So... with the mix of thoughts there... "which is the game I expect to be playing in the future?" this is the question.... or "how should the game be developed imo in the next months?...

    Is necessary a FA tournament? can you obtain more juice from the bonuses?... and the buildings? can have a bigger impact in the youngers we have and the resources we receive?.... really will be more useful this enlightened page than the assistant comments?... (lol)... Mou team can be more than a Mou team?

    This brings to my head a long of suggestions made in the last 5 years here when we played the different versions so, I will draw the game of my dreams suggestion by suggestion -let's play a game, what would I do been the Nordeus boss and having the chance to create the game I wanna play?-

    Yep, let's write stuffs here old and new;

    -Now that I mention Mou, I always have been a fan of testing the players, so yes I would like to be able to set up the Scout players in the Mou team to face them and be able to "see live" how they perform and if they are potatoes.

    -I expect a change of philosophy regarding the evaluation of the effort, so this needs a move of the token prizes from the assos to the regular tournaments.

    -Here I suggested the creation of targets that can be restarted every season-

    -This means that the assos should have as a prize some other type of incentive, and here why, I talk about expand the way to have benefits for the teams, giving the chance "if a team wins a FA tournament, for example- to unlock a new limit for some bonuses, from 10% to 14% max.
    Same type of benefits can be included regarding the resources, boosters, economical part, special token offerts? yea I'm so fan with the idea to give advantage and discounts as more tokens you bought, seen this in many games and keeps the consumption-, the academy¿?, or inclusive the market, something like unlock a 7* scout list if you pay 30T 8* if 50T more etc and can be the main source of some challenges -like if you promote of division, you win a special emblem sometimes-

    So yes, I would like to see the regular tournaments as the place where to develop the career as manager and the FAs as a extra work place where to obtain tools to develop better the team to play the main comp's.

    -I think its necessary looking the limitation of the game to link it with a external place where to have the chance to save something more than what we see inside the game.
    Call it the individual awards, specific stats, maybe a bigger emblems shop out game? so can be linked and consume less space -I find really interesting recovery old emblems and have a bigger option of personalization-.

    -A option of trade when we exchange emblems¿? this is not important for me as I only collect real coins, not TE emblems and so LOL

    -Ye, again to give continuity to the game I think that, despite the freedom that gives TE without almost penalizations, thse are needed.
    I'm very fan of relate the effort to what one can achieve so, I think for example that be out the top 4 should decrease some buildings.

    -Convert the "thanks" in something more -here I think that should be related to the season targets I suggest, something like support 50 matches win 5T-

    -Top Server limit - Is a pending duty really, and yes the new market solved the problems of the teams that are part of these levels... sure, but the solution killed a big feature of the game... that was a real market without fictitious ratings....
    The game have a problem having a lack of level limits that have no sense really, cause are a replay of the same every time... this needs imagination IMO

    -About the market I talked about I would like to see again the interaction between managers and looking how is right now all, I guess this can be done, only improving the Negotiations...

    .So yes, "why not" add the full 6* players inside the nego's as it is a extension of the Scout paying a tax, yes, giving a part for the manager, yes, but giving the chance to have a bigger market, with players that contain real stats and ratings, and that come from real managers and not simple bots? people, to be continued. Now you know how I feel writing ma Khristmas letter lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    i think you are a great fan of " how was the game before " lol
    khris likes this.

  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaizer Franz View Post
    i think you are a great fan of " how was the game before " lol
    Pfff.... is a mix.... I liked many details that were in the game since the 1st version... same time, I expect to see what we have right now changed.
    So basically I don't like what we have, I don't see a sense in playing looking the whole situation... for me the game is more stuck now than at any point of the last 7 years

  4. #4
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    " how was the game before "
    I ‘m also fan of the old T11.
    Playing the game for four years, I take things easy.
    Playing for one season, staying level for the next two, participating in asso with some friends for fun.
    After the end of old version from last April, I can’t follow the game seriously.
    Every new update was more complicate, meaningless, time consuming and with no fun.

    The training system and the skills, the new auctions market and now the team set up.
    I read the forum and see a lot of comments about tanking and associations.
    I ‘m afraid that this will be the target for the next T11 plan.
    As we say in my place “When someone have an unbearable toothache, the doc cuts his head” – lol.

    So what I expect is that instead of fixing the problems with professional asso tankers, they ‘re gonna promote every team from every level (or reduce the quality -20% no matter if promote or not).

    And that will be the end for me and many other players.

    I 'm afraid of T11 Santa and his devs ... I mean elves

  5. #5
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    I like your suggestion khris hope Nordeus take notice. Seriously the League Ucl and Cup deserve reward more rather then Asso. Manager improve their team season after season to compete in those tournament but sadly Nordeus decide to reward serious tanker in Asso.
    This game really have no sense.
    Something need to be done.......

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    what about the possibility to trade some players with other of the same quality . For example , I have a striker of 142 quality and some other manager has a Dc of similar quality . It would be nice we could trade these players . Now , If i decide to sell my ST , I get nothing in return , just some useless cash . Who will ever buy it will not get much either because they will have to be much higher lever and my player will be of 82 quality for them .
    khris and USARABAT like this.