Hello folks!
Thank you so much for all the fun with TE
Lots have great suggestions for future game updates, however, here's my two cents (we could even post a poll with the most requested improvements):
– Improve Youth academy
The Youth Academy is a great team resource, especially at lower levels, but at higher levels it mostly becomes a players-to-sell source. Managers should have the choice to invest some tokens for better young players, or even specific kinds of young players (more tokens and more time).
– New training drills
Adding a couple of drills each for attack, defense and physical & mental programs would be nice, as well as rising the maximum training level to 100, and making our players even stronger!
– Option to accept or block automatic friendly matches
An option to accept or block automatic friendly matches would be useful, at least within a certain time or span. Currently, it is possibile to find yourself playing even if you were not aware of the match, and it may be quite annoying, especially if your team needed a rest.
Last but not last:
– (Please) Reconsider the –20% malus mechanism.
Probably, this is a no-fly zone. But it is not so realistic to have multi-star players losing that much at a better level... it also encourages tanking. The malus makes sense, but, generally speaking, best and younger players should lose less than worst and older ones.