In order to have a system with clear limits, so;
-to don't overspend boosters, with a progressive XP win (remember the gaining is homogeneous since a star is reached, till the next one) that right now too have "progressive reductions of XP gaining that are not clear... and needs a training more focussed in a individual way to don't waste for nothing too much resources...
-so is complex, not friendly... "but..."... we need to stop the abuse as all we like to have a fair play, so we need to stop mutant players:
1st- I suggest to come back again with the main idea adding a limit, but not using the 3 skill blocks -att-def-phis¬ment as before-
I will suggest a limit between the lowest skill and the max one to keep a sense, too considering that the market is regulated in every level to obtain 80% players.... so all should have a sense...
So, my suggestion is add a max. difference between the min' and max skill/atribute of a rank between 180%-220%.
So to have skills at 340% the other ones should be min at 120% which keeps a 340% are 18* which is way high...
Then I bet and I will ask, for a Fix for those who, reading the own Terms and Conditions of Nordeus, are doing a abuse that "can be considered as punishable in some sense, but same time not", because the term 4.7 say literally:
vii. Power-leveling. Do not perform in-game services for others like power-levelling, boosting or ladder-climbing, whether or not in exchange for payment (real money or otherwise) from others.
So, this includes a reselling of players "for yourself using 4 accounts"? IMO this should as it is a abuse in the same sense.
So, please -set a limit of 1 time per season in what a player can be sold via negotiations- .
Then still needed a way to, don't manipulate the FAs once draws are are made. Maybe in the place to do a closed list as I suggested, which cn be complicated, a distinction between the players bought once the draws are made and those who were in the team before to, don not allow the new ones to participe till the next tournament, would be great.