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  • 3 Post By khris
  • 1 Post By Ποσιδονας

Thread: Redesign of FAs for 2019

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Redesign of FAs for 2019

    I'm gonna mix the idea of the redesign needed itself + the limits that are needed to fight against tanking + a international world competition + still playing with the main team.

    Redesign the Divisions. Only 5 Divisions. 32 teams per division.

    Div 1 32
    Div 2 64
    Div 3 128
    Div 4 256

    Div 5 = 512 teams

    First time teams are promoted the 50% of the div 5 promotes to fill the div 4 but then the number of promotions/relegations is adapted to what is needed.

    -Tanking Measures such -close training in no promotion for 7*'s
    -Upselling eliminates from the lists players with single skills of +160avs...
    -and some more stuffs I wrote somewhere- like add limits between skills to stay inside some parameters. Call it +160 max diff what allow 9 full stars diff' or +120 which is a acceptable distance to don't dee the simulator broken adding fixed scores due mutation.

    Once we have 32 Assos at Div 1 a final season is played and we do a big finale in a best of 16 format.

    Once the torunament of 6 months is over all starts again from 0 and Div 5 -or 4 or whatever- .
    Still it can be done in 4-5 months eliminating a Div.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Great idea mate

  3. #3
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Things are simple
    - remove the top100 list
    - give in platinum 50 tokens and the rest to league winners 1-4 pos.
    khris likes this.