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Thread: The transfers makes the game very bad I'm starting to hate this game.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019

    The transfers makes the game very bad I'm starting to hate this game.

    it's impossible to buy players because if you're at low levels the highest level pay more
    I'm really hate this game

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    This is absolutely fake. The value is relative and proportional to the Manager Level.
    And the players you see in the market are created by a bot, so theres no benefit for a "seller mnager".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019
    I'm level 6 there are players in level 44 and more in the transfers buying players and there team is 200+
    while my team is 78

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahmad ronaldo777 View Post
    I'm level 6 there are players in level 44 and more in the transfers buying players and there team is 200+
    while my team is 78
    Because the player you see have the same level for the other manager of level 44.

    The players have no assigned attributes until the player is sold, if you see him 5*, the other manager see it too as a 5*, once the player goes to your club, is a 5* for you, if goes to the other club, is a 5* from the other manager viewpoint so, you see him as a 5* for your club, that at your level is 45 points of avq, but* + 38Levels of differance x5 points that is the distance between a star and the next one, thats +190, so this 5 starts player you see with 45 of quality in your Club will be, 45+190= 235AvQ, that is the level, of the 5th star at his level.
    Last edited by khris; 05-27-2019 at 09:34 PM.
    maloukees likes this.

  5. #5
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    In theory is the same but not in practice.
    A manager level 44 has some billions of money to spend and with a good managment much more tokens (from FA tournaments, negotiations, events ...). from a new manager.
    Anyway, the auctions as it is now, sucks.

  6. #6
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    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    In theory is the same but not in practice.
    A manager level 44 has some billions of money to spend and with a good managment much more tokens (from FA tournaments, negotiations, events ...). from a new manager.
    Anyway, the auctions as it is now, sucks.
    that's what I mean

  7. #7
    Apprentice Kelpie Grant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    This is absolutely fake. The value is relative and proportional to the Manager Level.
    And the players you see in the market are created by a bot, so theres no benefit for a "seller mnager".
    Not entirely fake in some respect anyway. The monetary value is proportional between levels I agree but this is not the problem for lower level managers.
    An example if you will.
    A decent manager at say Level 20 vs a newer manager at Level 5.
    The decent Level 20 manager will most likely have his team/squad set up so he will only need to buy 3 or 4 players at most every season and will have been set up that way for probably 10 -12 seasons so each season manages to hold onto and store some gold tokens , lets say a modest total of 10 per season. Now we add to that the tokens won in Asso competition and the manager has maybe 200+ and increasing each season if they are astute managers.
    On the other hand the Level 5 manager has probably made some mistakes in the first 2 seasons and spent all tokens on average players not knowing the value of players so lets say he works it out a bit in Level 3. This manager gets to Level 5 with maybe 50 or 60 tokens but needs to buy 7 or 8 players ,maybe more , to start the routine season replacement of players that higher level managers should have in place. This manager is still in Bronze 3 or 2 Asso so isnt getting much in revenue from here either.
    So into the Auctions they go and the Level 5 manager sees a young player he needs/wants and throws a token at him but within the first minute the Level 20 manager has seen the same player as have other higher level managers and the token price is already too high for the Level 5 manager with the player eventually selling for 30 tokens. The Level 5 manager might get lucky and get 2 young players for half his total tokens and now has to resort to buying 27+yo lesser quality players that will only last 1 season before they need replacing. This just forces the Level 5 manager to waste tokens and doesnt help his situation at all.
    Short of spending real money on monthly cards or purchasing tokens the Level 5 manager cannot compete with higher level managers at the auction. This is only an example but the practice is real and not fake ,this happens every season and must turn a lot of managers off the game so its no wonder we get so many abandoned teams.
    Last edited by Kelpie Grant; 05-30-2019 at 10:49 AM.
    C.L. WINNER 2
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  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelpie Grant View Post
    Not entirely fake in some respect anyway. The monetary value is proportional between levels I agree but this is not the problem for lower level managers.
    An example if you will.
    A decent manager at say Level 20 vs a newer manager at Level 5.
    The decent Level 20 manager will most likely have his team/squad set up so he will only need to buy 3 or 4 players at most every season and will have been set up that way for probably 10 -12 seasons so each season manages to hold onto and store some gold tokens , lets say a modest total of 10 per season. Now we add to that the tokens won in Asso competition and the manager has maybe 200+ and increasing each season if they are astute managers.
    On the other hand the Level 5 manager has probably made some mistakes in the first 2 seasons and spent all tokens on average players not knowing the value of players so lets say he works it out a bit in Level 3. This manager gets to Level 5 with maybe 50 or 60 tokens but needs to buy 7 or 8 players ,maybe more , to start the routine season replacement of players that higher level managers should have in place. This manager is still in Bronze 3 or 2 Asso so isnt getting much in revenue from here either.
    So into the Auctions they go and the Level 5 manager sees a young player he needs/wants and throws a token at him but within the first minute the Level 20 manager has seen the same player as have other higher level managers and the token price is already too high for the Level 5 manager with the player eventually selling for 30 tokens. The Level 5 manager might get lucky and get 2 young players for half his total tokens and now has to resort to buying 27+yo lesser quality players that will only last 1 season before they need replacing. This just forces the Level 5 manager to waste tokens and doesnt help his situation at all.
    Short of spending real money on monthly cards or purchasing tokens the Level 5 manager cannot compete with higher level managers at the auction. This is only an example but the practice is real and not fake ,this happens every season and must turn a lot of managers off the game so its no wonder we get so many abandoned teams.
    And where is supposed to be the learning period? there should be a space in the beggninning where to learn, promote etc because in the end here we r talking about this.
    A experienced manager starting from 0 wouldn't have any disadvantadge really, still we have videos for money, to compensate the billions that others can have,, option to join directly a High Div. FA, free token offers... isn't the differance, and both managers could just buy 2-3 players ...And the player value and players need is relative, remember that a L2 can manipulate the AvQ. leagues as a L60, so, in the end all is about knowledge, the same when a manager comes here in the forum saying that spent 200$ per season but isn't capable to win a single title, what has occured time to time. All is about knowledge, not only the game mechanica and how the game creates the competitions, which isn't explained in-game,too each server have it's own market behavior, and the best/worst days where to buy 1T players,