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  • 4 Post By khris
  • 2 Post By Der_Ryan_M
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Thread: Top Eleven 2020 - Skills Limit Cap, Fair play improvements -By Khris

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    Top Eleven 2020 - Skills Limit Cap, Fair play improvements -By Khris

    We need again a limit distance between the min/max attributes in order to recovery the old Top Eleven 2014 sense where players from 8-9 stars onwards were premium players.

    This lack of control in the skills just devaluate the current players we can see in the scouts lits, making them no more attractive because new managers just want to find the way to train mutants and manipulate the game.

    We need again clear margins inside the game which could allow new managers to understand with a little bit of logic where are the distances where to beat the oppos.

    And ofc. we need to get rid of the FA top 100 and have a real "Hall of Fame" by assigning extra points per titles owned and dont have a Top 100 with a entire community of abusers of the game lack of control and common sense.

    We need to go back to the essence of the original Top Eleven which was intuitive, having close beatability margins and controlled limits between skills.
    Is not posible to stay with a game, that has already eliminated the 50% of the players skills by calling them "grey skills" meanwhile the own Top Eleven season have it's own rythm, with 28 days, and a base market of 5* which sets a regular season AvQ standard, brokes all the common sense when people is just forced to play like those who abuse.

    A special reminder for those with multi accounts that use the last week of Negotiations to obtain players with 200%'s and 1%'s grey skills that in reality are -160% due the system which create a simile of players that is between a mix of the Frog Gustavo and Cristiano Ronaldo.

    Too we should think about the events and the influence of 9* tankers there, events could be improved and we know it, too in a sense to fit with managers real life, as we understand that we want to play a event at 100% but these 2 hours free chances are something that should be redesigned in order to allow people sleep, work, study and play so, it is the same 1 free chance every 2 hours than 4 free chances every 8 hours.

    Regarding the loans Ive posted my own List of Prices and system which I'm 100% sure that if have a try inside the game will be more accepted than the one we had few days ago.
    Players 200T+ shouldn't be inside the game due the own nature of the Simulator Draw system which makes the Competition draws in relation with the own team AvQ, so this puts exactly at same point a team with 90% avq and one at 140% in terms of having difficult oppo's, so, so it's overvalued a offer like for example, a 9* for a 8* "tanker" or not, for 500T+.

    Prices need to be fluid to allow, any manager, despite it's AvQ team, improve in relative conditions "investing Real Money" based in the previous point, which basically say that isn't justified the value of the high AvQ players as the Comp' draw is relative and in proportion with our AvQ.

    So a Tanker should be never a excuse to force a 5* manager to buy 11 players 8*'s of 600Tokens of value each one. nai nanai.

    Khris-Happy New Year.
    Last edited by khris; 12-27-2019 at 04:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Rookie ChocoLove's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    I'm stoked.
    : O
    Balanced game? : O
    In 2020? : O
    Nordeus? : O
    Can pls? : O

    : O

    Sent from my CPH1901 using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Imo we need a heavier influence of skills again. Right now overall % is the deciding factor in many games making tankers the most powerful force in the game, in cups, partly in associations and events and ruining the fun of a lot of people playing the game normally.
    If there are people like Apolo who dedicate a lot of time to the game with upselling and training, it is more in my interest and should be more in interest of Nordeus than lazy tankers ruling it. Also they could just remove negotiations completely to also get rid off upselling, as they are nonsense now anyways.

    Current meta is a desaster imo and the result of TE trying to fix things and they made them even more broken.
    khris and milpol like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    All these articles are nice and interesting And probably pretty right. But how loan offers were offered , still they are offered. And it's going worse and worse.
    Negotiations were destroyed by nordeus because of these kind of articles. And everything else would be if you gonna make these.
    No, im not angry but you see that you dont get what you want but on the contrary.
    So be careful what you writing because developers lamps could turn on and we lost one of the little remaining good things in top eleven

  5. #5
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    One thing is time dedication, the second one is have an amount of anti-players. And this is my own opinion.

    One of the most factible things for sure could be just close the training for 8* for non promoted teams and with skill limits the game could recovery the sense again.

    We should remember that the GK training was a bug that wasn't fixed properly and since then seems people feels authorized to exploit the game as if they were in a party with Ronald McDonald.

  6. #6
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    One thing is time dedication, the second one is have an amount of anti-players. And this is my own opinion.

    One of the most factible things for sure could be just close the training for 8* for non promoted teams and with skill limits the game could recovery the sense again.

    We should remember that the GK training was a bug that wasn't fixed properly and since then seems people feels authorized to exploit the game as if they were in a party with Ronald McDonald.
    I know but GK training isn't around anymore, nor is friendly bug. Why not remove upselling and give skills another chance again? Like I said, right now tankers are the winners of this meta, they can win every game just by staying in the same level and having a high overall quality. And while doing that, they collect ressources, as they don't even need them.
    Give the active managers, that train the players and that invest their greens and tokens, a tool to beat these people.

    In 2 days I play a 162% tanker in cup final. Me, a player who invested over 1000 greens in training this season and also used the Token the game gives me. And now I can't do anything but put up the white flag vs a guy who is some lazy manager, collecting the stars on his players just by letting time pass and wanting to ruin the fun of others. I'm not even mad, it's the first tanker I meet in a long time, in high levels we don't see them often. Still, I'm frustrated because I feel like I have done more, yet still can't win this game. Before when skills were actually relevant, I could have beaten him.
    Last edited by Der_Ryan_M; 12-29-2019 at 03:29 PM.

  7. #7
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    Lingy*said:4 Minutes Ago


    Hi people..*

    Just a quick suggestion that you all may have a view on.*

    Does anyone believe that if you are selling a player via auction the selling manager should receive a cut or all of the tokens used in bidding to make it more realistic .. ?? ..

    And how come at the end of the season your players lose so much. I had a prayer drop from 146 to 128 .. is this fair .. ??