Feel free to give your viewpoint and suggestions regarding future improvements.
Feel free to give your viewpoint and suggestions regarding future improvements.
Khris, definitely auctions, because that is all I can afford lol, It is still my favourite one though. My suggestions for auctions are having a search button to search the desired age of a player, the quality of your desired player and you can choose if you want an auction timer full of special abilities for the next auction list, probably too much suggestions there but that is what I think.
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Love The Nationality Games Here!
Hakurei United
Based On : Hakurei United (Touhou Soccer Series)
Goals : Develop youths
Dislikes : Disrespect, Cheating, Tankers
Tight on Token boi here and I wanna have some fun
old auction and old negotiations. None on these statements suits me.
The best bargain is still in the auction, bidding 3* 18yo for 1 token and immediately train them to see if they get 2-3 special ability in Gym x6 (sometimes the higher wage didn't give 2 SA in 6gym train)
but I like this new Youth Academy, I don't have to spend entire Sunday just to get what I want (usually I don't)
4 18yo with 4-5* which cost a bag of peanut (well if you're intelligent enough to realize to only pick the coach which cost boosters instead of tokens)
me being casual player welcome this change.
like a group of mercenaries in a galaxy far-far away always say "this is the way"
Thumbs up Nordeus!
Auctions. Current YA is also an option for me but I never use Scouts or Recommendations coz it consumes my Ts too much
Love The Nationality Games Here!
Hakurei United
Based On : Hakurei United (Touhou Soccer Series)
Goals : Develop youths
Dislikes : Disrespect, Cheating, Tankers
Tight on Token boi here and I wanna have some fun
Problem with this auction system that i dont even want to participate. You could just see how many people were going to bid for that player and than decide if you wanna go or not. Yes now the same but again everything goes to my first sentence - I DONT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS ****, please can i have addition option like negotiations was - oh, **** completely broken because someone wanted fuking changes here.
And well, the only one option in this current auction system left - bid for low level players and powertrain them
Auctions, but it's annoying that you need to look hours and days to find the player you want. Sometimes recommendation and daily players. Negotiations I don't use anymore, scout very rarely (bought one this season) and youth academy, not sure yet but so far not my favourite as players tend to be slower trainers.
I use every window with the exception of negociations since i only buy in the first third of the season.
This year my players came from academy (4) autions (2) and scouts (1)