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  • 3 Post By khris

Thread: Animations Quality improvement

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Animations Quality improvement

    Here I will list an amount of actions that could be improved to provide a realistic playing style like the one we see on TV, that have many particular actions of any kind.

    I'm gonna list them and try to edit match animaition captures to explain how would I add these particular acions in-game having a speciic behavior in players animation:

    1-GKs stretched -usually the GK never follow the ball... ending in the place where the ball has previously been... the gK should many times move in a parallel line in relation vs the goal, simulating that he tried to stopp the shoot.

    Animations Quality improvement-estirada-portero.jpg

    2- Chilean goal - Here basically the player could suddenly turn, and the ball should go over him at some adequate height and winning speed after the shoot provided by the player -it could be very Oliver n Benji lol-

    Animations Quality improvement-chilena.jpg

    3- Ronaldinho -sombrero-
    This can be simulated with the ball gaining height above a player in the animation, and the player recovering the ball winning the position over the oppo'. gonna do paint** lol

    4-Volley - could be the same as chilean goal but turning the shirt number 90' and, in both cases the player could jump winning height in a "realistic/non excessive way".

    5- Elastico -

    to edit*** feel free to add your ideas, as there are dozens of tricks that could have a own animation.
    Last edited by khris; 04-16-2020 at 12:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    ***These actions/tricks could be linked to a SA that we could call "Magician" and there could exist few variants of playing style, and, the trick animations could be more visible if the camera does a zoom when a player makes a trick, adding a comment related, of course.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Me: very interesting idea
    Nordeus: New event - Tricksters