To consideer a Level, not as a level, but as a "Season" of your club.

The current system of %'s workd with the same old system based on AvQ levels of 5 points per star, so it can't be alterated.

But.... exist the option to, change the concept of levels, considering it, Seasons instead of levels... so we could have a integral promotion of clubs. we need to pay attention to the structural problems that the different methodologies can bring, and is that in the end, there's a collapse, and top servers are repeating levels cause of this...

Remember we have cups, Cls etc.. and that a "min" of teams is required, in the end, so, we could be promoting only with bots.. so ti would require some extra promotions to keep groups of X teams -to complete 1,2,3,4 cups + the CLs/SLs and this system would need the help of the Bots to complete the leagues for sure...

So well, just came here to day that yes, exist the way to do this....

Another posible option, if it's true that the Max. Level allowed is the 100th... would be push the top server teams to that L100 so the availability would rise... ofc. this means no -20% so maybe a unique feature for the top server would be needed to create some dynamism.