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Thread: Cancellation of Training of Special Ability or New Posiiton

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EVK Cancellation of Training of... 02-27-2023, 02:04 PM
khris You know that this would... 03-04-2023, 10:13 PM
jarharnamme the best thing to do is to... 03-05-2023, 03:50 PM
jarharnamme also top11 shouldve make wing... 03-05-2023, 03:53 PM
MARCO CAIA I agree 100% 06-16-2023, 04:26 PM
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  1. #1
    EVK is offline
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    Angry Cancellation of Training of Special Ability or New Posiiton

    It's simple, it's straightforward. We need to be able to cancel the training for special abilities or new roles. I don't understand why this has not been included in this game for all these years, but definitely, it is necessary.

    I have two players for whom I started special ability training at the end of the previous season. In this new season, I bought Premium Special Sponsor and saw that there are two free special ability rewards. Now, that makes 50+50=100 training points for the specs. On average (optimistic), 1 point takes 10 conditions. Now, this makes 10*100=1000 condition, which is roughly 70 condition packs, equivalent to ~60 tokens in the shop.

    Please implement this feature, it just does not make any sense not to have this.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    You know that this would mean, that you can send all XP to a SA, so, managers would be able to use this to manipulate in a higher way the quaity, because players affected would not gain quality during 14+ seasons...

  3. #3
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    You know that this would mean, that you can send all XP to a SA, so, managers would be able to use this to manipulate in a higher way the quaity, because players affected would not gain quality during 14+ seasons...
    the best thing to do is to cancel all (and you lose progress too) and started from 0. this was back when task quest are full with need to train certain position whereas i already save that last SA/position on other position instead of the requirement of task.

    anyway like OP say maybe he wants to cancel his progress just so he can add premium SA so i dont think cancelling progress is that bad. and no it wouldnt be good idea to replace that progress with skill or others. you can only cancel it because suddenly u have better player on that position or u want premium SA for that player

  4. #4
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    also top11 shouldve make wing players to be able train opposite side without have to train middle position. DR to DL without DC. MR to ML without MC. AML to AMR without AMC or ST.
    imagine training Cancelo from RB to LB he need to convert to DC 1st. wtf?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by EVK View Post
    It's simple, it's straightforward. We need to be able to cancel the training for special abilities or new roles. I don't understand why this has not been included in this game for all these years, but definitely, it is necessary.

    I have two players for whom I started special ability training at the end of the previous season. In this new season, I bought Premium Special Sponsor and saw that there are two free special ability rewards. Now, that makes 50+50=100 training points for the specs. On average (optimistic), 1 point takes 10 conditions. Now, this makes 10*100=1000 condition, which is roughly 70 condition packs, equivalent to ~60 tokens in the shop.

    Please implement this feature, it just does not make any sense not to have this.
    I agree 100%