Post By khris
Spanish Forum Moderator
FAs Cup
We have a league based system currently that we use to play on FAs every weekend... so why not bring a FAs Cup somehow? it would be like the regular cup, just take th teams from the top server in groups of 64 to create a cup group...
So we could have groups of 32 teams starting from 1/16and play 5 cup rounds during the season.
Top 32 would be part of the same tournament, 33-64th secong cup group and so.
Good idea but I also think that if this game does not improve by changing certain things, actually a lot of things. As I have been writing at nauseam, the structure of the leagues and other competitions needs to change. Leagues need to change to an association model and scrap a level model. The first 4 promote and level up, the last 4 are relegated to the lower level, and the rest stay in the same level in which they are, All teams no longer lose 20% and leagues are paired up with teams that are all within 20% maximum difference. Qualifications to CL and SL are only obtainable when a team reaches the Top League, meaning the League where one no longer be promoted. It is there that managers would ultimately battle to get their teams to a top % level. All leagues should have limits each season to how high one can get a team. As I said if a team is 120% in one given league and can only improve at a rate of not ever becoming 10% stronger, then if the team is promoted to the next level it can improve another 10% not more. Each level and season in every league should never have teams that are more than 20% higher in potential than the others. Doing this would, number one equalize all leagues and levels, and two, allow managers to improve players at their own rate and financial capacity. If a player gets trained to a higher level he should only obtain it for the next season. For example, the Player Training Academy should only allow a player to grow not more than 20% in any given season and the remainder of the skill % gets carried over to the next season. In the Youth Academy, one can obviously take the player to a higher level until a certain % as well. One should have a choice even there to carry over the extra % into the following season. All competitions should also have a reward system similar to the Association as well. If they do not want to make similar changes to these then they must concede much greater FREE resources of much greater value than the ones they give now. In addition to all this, they need to fix the tactical part of the game giving the managers more tactical options and allowing the players to be ordered to individually hold certain positions and play a certain tactical strategy. For example, I want my AMC to play more in a defensive role at midfield the arrows we have now are basically useless. Each player should be given definite orders to keep throughout the game, This with the arrows does not work now. I have placed back arrows on my DR AND DL and they keep coming forward and not staying back. Even if I place my team on an attack mentality if I set a back arrow on a player that means I want them to stay back not come forward, something happens with the DMC. I see players too often out of their position. Now I concede that even in real football no player is always 100% in the position required, yet mostly they are. If my players have a high positional % they should stay in that position mostly for the entire match otherwise what good is it? I notice my ST often in an attack situation playing in the role of the MC and the MC going into the ST position, why? That happens occasionally in real football but in this game, it's a constant thing. When we position a player in a certain spot on the pitch in the formation in our squad quadrant then they ought to mostly hold that position within a certain frequency and consistency. We need the simulator to be adjusted properly and tactical orders to be expanded and we need to have greater management over the way the team reacts on the field. I know that in real football each team and each match is strategized by orders and certain movements on the field on the part of players in the various zones of the field. We should have more options to set up these tactical orders so that if we lose a game or win a game it has much more to do with how we managed the game than being at the mercy of the computer and a computer that cannot even follow the orders we give it now.
Spanish Forum Moderator

Originally Posted by
Thanks for the feedback and support, still, please remember that this forum is a space for managers and administrated mainly for managers so lets try to keep the courtesy when we write
It is a very interesting proposal. I think we could explore different formats and structures to adapt it to our needs. What changes or modifications would you suggest to make it even more attractive?
For my taste, two matches a day are already too many.
That's why I don't want to have any more matches
spread out over the season.
I'd rather just have one match a day.
It would bother me less if the match times were synchronized so that the breaks in between were regular.
With such an expansion of the FA format,
Nordeus should try to organize
the matches of the two different formats as one block
so that we could attend these matches in one go.
Anyway, an expansion of the line-up memory is long overdue.
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