CD Lykahlior
Club Deportivo Lykahlior (known as Lykahlior) is a Chilean football team that operates under Lukah Lyon's (England) management.
The club's origins are found on 2013. Twenty youngsters formed a group and played amateur matches against other people of their city, Puerto Montt, until October 2016, time at which Marco Olivera (scout) saw potential on them and contacted who would be their first coach and manager, Lyon. With Lyon on board, the group defined their name (based on their manager) and collected funds to raise a stadium, the Valyor Park, in their city.
The club's official activities on the lower leagues started during the first days of the November 2016 season (currently being played), gaining supporters fast. Their fan club called themselves Los Lykas (The Lykas), honoring their chantics during a match.
Currently associated to Skull Squad Football Association (#EN7YUK).
SquadCurrently the club possesses 21 players.
First squad
(1) Damián Escobar, 20.
Chilean goalkeeper.
(3) Piyapol Chiwkhunthot, 25.
Thai central defender and defensive mid-fielder.
(4) Paul Morack, 24.
German central and left defender.
(5) Christian Hinterleitner, 29.
Paraguayan right defender and captain.
(6) Martin Ødegaard, 20.
Norwegian mid-fielder.
(7) Miguel Torres, 20.
Argentinian central-forward and left winger.
(8) Luca Rondinone, 23.
Italian right winger.
(9) Zakaria Quill, 20.
Maltese striker.
(10) Lucas Jansen, 23.
Chilean defensive right and central mid-fielder.
(11) Rukai Svyatoslav, 19.
Serbian mid-fielder.
(12) Demba Portalès, 23.
French attacking and central mid-fielder.
Second squad (substitutes & reserves)
(2) Jak Alnwick, 19.
English goalkeeper.
(72) Ryan Leland, 18.
German defender.
(73) Colin Farore, 21.
Northern Irish defender.
(74) Kassius Harter, 18.
Costa Rican defender.
(86) Arnt Erik Jakirovic, 20.
Norwegian mid-fielder.
(87) Lukasz Lesniewski, 19.
Polish mid-fielder.
(88) Budi Mawardi, 20.
Indonesian mid-fielder.
(97) Nazim Yilmaz, 20.
Turkish striker.
(98) Harun Korkmaz, 20.
Turkish striker and right winger.
(99) Mykhel Chiwkhunthot, 18.
Thai striker.
Hall of Fame & AchievementsPiyapol and Mykhel Chiwkhunthot: Both brothers resurrected the team in 2015 after the rest of the players felt unmotivated to continue.
Christian Hinterleitner: Nominated and chosen by the players as the best captain and leader of the team.