For the New Year I had the bright (and probably idiotic) idea of starting a new team and chronicling it here, for the information and, more likely, amusement of all concerned.
It's going to be a warts-and-all record, there will be momentous triumphs and even more tragic failures, but it should amount to a detailed play-through of the minutiae of the Top Eleven experience.
There won't be bucket-loads of Tokens thrown at the team, but what tokens can be accumulated, will be, and a Monthly Card costing £3.99 in the UK [Euro 4.50, US$ 5.41, 0.000335 Bitcoin] will be purchased and will provide a steady token income. With limited Tokens, this team could not be reliant on Scout or AM Recommended players, so the Management needs to be prepared to train up Youth players and lower-Quality players from the normal Transfer Market.
First thing this morning, the prospective Management got onto their Android device and created a brand new GMail account, and started up Top Eleven - after going through creating a Play Account, the team was created and named (after one of the ends of the Crystal Palace football ground), and the Tutorial immediately started.
After the Tutorial, the Management then went to his laptop and created a new FB account and linked the new team to it, gaining the 5T for doing so. This enabled the creating of all sorts of screen shots and records much easier than through the Android device.
If anyone is interested in following the team on FaceBook the account link is
The Team - Home Screen
[This screen is a 'now' screenshot, not one from the original creation of the team - one of the 'warts' - I thought I'd done one then, if I did, I can't find it now...]
Here's our first match, later on this evening (GMT - UK time) - and we are exhorted to make this season even better than the last - pretty difficult as there wasn't a 'last' season...
Holmesdale FC started out with 80T; 25 Red, 25 Blue and 75 Green packs; and about $5M in cash.
During the Tutorial, they gained 1T and $600k from the Match and Shirt Sponsor contracts, and spent $397k on a player (see below).
Add the 5T for FB linking; 10T for the initial payment for the Monthly Card; 1 of each type of coloured pack (Happy New Year from Nordeus); and the 20T, and 15 Red, 15 Blue and 15 Green packs from a Starter Pack (reduced by 90% to £0.75), before things really got serious the coffers were up to 115T, ~$5.6M, 41 Red, 41 Blue and 91 Green packs (some of these were used during the Tutorial).
The Team - Playing Squad
The starting playing squad consisted of the players listed below. They were origianlly all jumbled up and numbered from 0 to 17. The squad was set up to play 4-3N-2W-1 as default, so after finding and implementing the best team, the Management renumbered all the players to the numbers they now carry.
During the Tutorial, Mou got the Management to bid on a player and the Auction was successful ($397k spent, but no Token(?)) and the player given the number 19 shirt.
More detailed analysis of the team showed it had the potential to play one of the Management's favoured formations, 3-2-2-2-1 Butterfly, and 4-4-2, but to play 4-5-1V a DMC would be needed.
The starting formation for the first match is therefore
More soon...