Originally Posted by
-increase the token prices
-give more injuries (better to have heavy drain of morale & condition after e'match or server refresh)
-give more troll results,(eg: let the abandom team dominate any active user or low Q team win)
-give good quality players as less as possible on any server
-increase the signing fees for youth players from acadamy(more T+$), not even a player should sign for free
-remove free tranfer players from transfer list or ask more T for signing them
-put more robots with more winning and as well as in transfer auctions
-give minus position bonus for who is watching the match or let them be dominated by unattended manager or robot
-make the fixtures more tight (eg; one day 4 or 5 matches & the gap between matches should not be more than 3hr)
-lenghthen the rest time of players (eg; 5hours to gain 3%)
-increase the signing fees of scouted players & let them useless/injured after signed
-don't give any free tokens, money, boosters
-always have great performance(9) for the players in wrong position (ST as GK or vice versa)
-ask the players to update the application very frequently, pretending like great job has done or made changes as per users' complaints
-any formation/tactical changes or whatever the players do shoud be less effective and results should be as much random as possible
-neglect all the users complaints, advices, suggestions or any of words
-make more thread like any suggestion, vent threads, unsastifactory result post here... like .. wants to hear more from users
-delete, log, clsed, removed all the good thread from forum
-ban all the users who comes with the good suggestion or complaint
-remove/delete this post and BAN ME!!!!
LAST.... but not lesat.........
PS: If I have been banned or this thread has been removed, I will regard as that you are going to do as all my advices here in this post!