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Thread: Language Removal

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Question Macedonian language

    They asked all the competent and moderators to game
    to put Macedonian language because they do not understand other languages
    Top Eleven is better to return at least 5 languages which wiped for some quality other languages
    If Top Eleven is a great game with many managers will have to demonstrate that there is a team to improve all the languages of emphasis
    but in this case only give knowledge that you do your responsibility towards moderating the game or if it does not then what is the problem .. irredentism ??

  2. #22
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Darko Stojanovski View Post
    They asked all the competent and moderators to game
    to put Macedonian language because they do not understand other languages
    Top Eleven is better to return at least 5 languages which wiped for some quality other languages
    If Top Eleven is a great game with many managers will have to demonstrate that there is a team to improve all the languages of emphasis
    but in this case only give knowledge that you do your responsibility towards moderating the game or if it does not then what is the problem .. irredentism ??
    I got your point but isn't as easier as it looks especially when you have dozens of languages already. Is sad that they removed but somehow they are also right.

    To be honest I don't know another game who's offering support in so many languages but yea, there's always place for more
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