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Thread: Nou update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Nou update

    Noul update lansat astazi printre unele bug-uri reperate se spune ca rezolva si problema Lvl in Cl si superliga (se lauda ei )
    Jucatorii tineri din academie vor fi mai buni si mai ieftini iar apoi bla bla bla cine vrea sa il citeasca tot il gaseste aici

    [Official] Top Eleven v5.1 - 18th of November

    Hi Managers,

    On November 18th we released Top Eleven version 5.1 on all platforms: iOS, Android and web-browser. We bring great news and improvements to our Managers and below you can find the full change-log:


    - We've heard your feedback and the players from your Youth Academy (U-21) from now on will have a better quality and will cost less tokens.
    - With this version we are improving the player experience by bringing a faster login to our Managers. Olé!
    - We have improved the memory consumption of the game. Note that in order to lower the impact on memory, we have removed the gift animation on Assistant Report screen on low-end devices.
    - We have improved our notification system and now our Managers can expect notifications promptly in time for their matches.
    - We have fixed the League Table overview that wasn't fully displayed on some devices.
    - In the Club Shop the font has been fixed and there are no longer weirdly split words.
    - In the Manager screen we've added "country" instead of "nationality" in the Manager Details.
    - We have assured that all Football Association emblems load correctly in all devices.
    - We have fixed some connectivity issues that some Managers were facing when they sent thanks to their supporters after the Live Match.
    - We have improved the balance of levels in Champions League and Super League competitions.
    - The web-browser version of the game should consume less memory now.


    - We have fixed the quality percentage of players in their info screens.
    - We have fixed the issue with the morale of your opponent that was visible and on its lowest.
    Palade100 likes this.

  2. #2
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    Le au rezolvat pe toate...

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    om trai si om vedea )))
    florian slaniceanu likes this.

  4. #4
    Romanian Forum Moderator Zaharia Cristian's Avatar
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    Maine imi vin juniorii sa vedem ce au facut.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaharia Cristian View Post
    Maine imi vin juniorii sa vedem ce au facut.
    eu am primit astazi pe alt cont si nu am vazut mari schimbari

  6. #6
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by florian slaniceanu View Post
    eu am primit astazi pe alt cont si nu am vazut mari schimbari
    Pai schimbarea e destul de mare, un jucator care costa in jur de 20+ jetoane, ma refer la cel de 4 stele, acum costa undeva la 5 jetoane, nu cred ca e mult mai ales ca 90% + dintre ei se dezvolta foarte repede daca nu super repede. Eu am cumparat unul de curiozitate si sunt foarte multumit de el.
    florian slaniceanu likes this.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Pricop cat ia pe antrenament ????daca l-ai incercat pe vhechea aplicatie ?????

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    Pai schimbarea e destul de mare, un jucator care costa in jur de 20+ jetoane, ma refer la cel de 4 stele, acum costa undeva la 5 jetoane, nu cred ca e mult mai ales ca 90% + dintre ei se dezvolta foarte repede daca nu super repede. Eu am cumparat unul de curiozitate si sunt foarte multumit de el.
    posibil sa fie asa, o sa urmaresc in continuare.

    la mine a fost putin diferit - jucatorul de 4 stele costa cca 12 jetoane si nu mi-am permis asa ceva, dar am sa vad cum evolueaza situatia si va anunt
    madflo19 likes this.

  9. #9
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    ^^Da,o schimbare k au redus costul unui jucator de la mine din academie (aberant sa platesti un jucator din propria academie,in care ai investit k sa o dezvolti)
    Daca vor sa zica ca au facut o schimbare atunci sa nu mai coste nimik nici un jucator din academie,sau sa coste dar sa mi aleg pozitia pe care o vreau,asta ca tot zic atunci cand ai un rezultat prost impotriva unei echipe mult mai slab cotata,ca asa e si in fotbalul real,uneori si Barcelona sau Real mai pierd,insa in fotbalul real eu nu stiu nici o echipa sa plateasca pt jucatorii din propria academie😏

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    florian slaniceanu likes this.

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  10. #10
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    United Kingdom
    10T pt un jucator de 72%,mare schimbare (poate momeala..)

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    florian slaniceanu likes this.

    A.C. MILAN LEGENDS-Team Showcase
    Season 45,lvl 43(24 trebles)

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