hi guys.....well I had the option of not joining in and maybe win, or to join and put another picture

I saw some close to weird results today....but this is the only picture I'll post because of the bigger diff in team quality..etc etc
image ru
I know some of the guys around here are some big tactics fan....so i choosed this game to post because the teams played same formation
quality, possesion bonus...of course goes to the loosing team
defence rating also high
now where did the things went terribly wrong? remember when I said never make a change near goal scoring minutes like 77-81?
as you can see with no contact a player gets injured when the change is finaly made after 7 mins we're in that time zone
so on the next game action.....yep..that team gets a goal against
photo uploader
once again proven.....it's like having sex with the same girl in the same position for the rest of you life......routine

, a dumb routine considering quality, etc etc....courtesy of Nordeus most dumb game...Top11 football manager
and about the whining part....this is not whining it's actually making fun and beying ironic in the face of Top 11 programming