The point is that I have seen a ST, 22yo w/freekick the past 3 scout lists in a row. I would NEVER buy him at the middle or end of the season for ob reasons. Im just saying that when I dont want him, he is there, and when I do (at the start of the season) he wont be, hence the odds from July.
@July, of course they are just for fun.
Last edited by cracicot; 06-28-2013 at 08:23 PM.
edit 22yo not 18 yo
i searched for AMR/DMR/MR ...all season bcz this wingers are only scouts i buy , i only get it in list 5-6 days ago .. opted to not buy him ... more as old AMR/DMR/MR is still scout and can stay 5* next season if i needed him.. so i hope to get him next season
without PT scout can only stay scout for 3 Seasons and that is if you bought it at start of season
meanwhile can you be sure you will get 22 ST with same SA next season?
my team @
League : winner (S1, S2, S3, S6, S7) , runner up (S4*, S5*) * was in holiday away
CL: Winner (S4, S7), runner up (S2, S3, S5, S6)
Cup: Winner (S3)
Funny, thanks. If he were 18yo, I would buy him hands down. that would be worth losing a star.
Never can be sure, but if he is not there, I can always use a MC w/corner as I only have one player with corner now.
I will hold onto my tokens until the right scout comes along. If not, then I will wait for next season. As I dont buy tokens anymore, I hold onto them dearly.
Last edited by cracicot; 06-28-2013 at 08:27 PM.