it's now a fact. We SUCK
played 2 matches today:
16:27 - League - StrangeNameThaiTeam Q36,7(3*) vs Fuorigrottese Q49,2(5*)
oppo: not watching the match, illegal formation(3n-1-3n-1-2), player sent off @37'
us: watching the match,full morale/condition, 3-5-2v, 100%win bonus
outcome: 1-2
goals recap: 37' - U.Alifuoco (PK), 77' - S.Alifuoco (Domìnguez)
17:15 - Cup - YASAI FC Q42,4(4*) vs Fuorigrottese Q49,2(5*)
oppo: not watching the match, 4-1-3n-2, 1% possession from almost empty stadium
us: watching the match, full morale/condition (15 greens blown, thanks nordeus), 4-3n-2w-1
outcome: 0-0, possession 40-60, shots 12-9, on goal 4-3
if we don't score from FKs,CKs,PKs, we don't score at all.
**** Us.
Team: Fuorigrottese
1st Season:League:3rd CL:No Matches CUP:No Matches
2nd Season:League:1st CL:1/4 CUP:1st
3rd Season:League:1st CL:1/4 CUP:1/2
4th Season:League:1st CL:1st CUP:1/4
5th Season:League:1st CL:1/8 CUP:1/8
6th Season:In Progress...
2/7 (LG) FC Norsa(38.0) 0-1 CoolioFC. Barlet 89'
2/7 (CL) Fc Edoo(41.0) 1-1 CoolioFC. Penasa 56'
3/7 (Cup) CoolioFC 3-1 Comemolos FC(34.0). Barlet 51', 72' Penasa 74'
3/7 (LG) CoolioFC 9-0 Maradona(35.4). Sameer 5' Tongchai 13' Bolt 35' Penasa 36', 76' Jackson 38' Maniatis 43', 52' Barlet 85'
4 decent results despite one of the being a draw. we srarted the season scoring a last minute goal in a game we could of lost, but remarkably kept a clean sheet. then a decent draw away in our first game in europe. i missed this game but we were the better side suprisingly, although i did set my bonus' to the hightest possible. we trailed the cup game at half time but turned it around in the second half with a trio of goals and we finished the day with a 9-0 hammering against an abandoned team.
Barlet has scored in every game so far this season with our youngster on the wing also banging them in, his tally in all competitions already stands at 6. good but expected start to the season. i havent scouted the rest of the european competition but i think im favourite to win the cup
CoolioFC - Lvl 13, season 13.
Squad ave: 75.5
League Championships: 5 (1,3,6,7,8)
Champions League:
Cup: 1
Wolf FC Official News
In the Topofone League Wolf FC managed to defeat a much lower-ranked teams on the FA Club-rankings board by a disappointing result of 3 - 1, a weakened defense due to injury on Wolf FC's side made their goal vulnerable to attack from the opponent, resulting in a goal from a corner from the tourists at Wolf Forest Arena, Wales. Wolf FC dominated possession and every other factor but poor attacking performance from star strikers Craig White and Miguel Perez Michu is assumed the reason why the result was generally disappointing, nether the less Wolf FC had a victory to continue their 3-win streak in the league!
Conclusively commentator Andrew Lincoln, who also starred in AMC's The Walking Dead as Rick Grimes concluded the game as a disorganized mess on Wolf FC's side, if they had faced a tougher team they would be concerned about their 10-0 defeat, it's incredibly lucky they faced a weaker team.
He also added as a side note Wolf FC couldn't even beat a group of Walkers at this point.
Result: 3 - 1 ~ Win
In the Cup Wolf FC had better luck, although facing injury to their star midfielder they managed a rather impressive 2-0 win over their opponent who were ranked just 2 places behind them in the FA Club-rankings board. They had been tasked with defeating an incredibly-strong defense that just took hits and attempted to exploit every mistake Wolf FC could make while attacking. Badly for them Wolf FC maintained composure and discipline to not concede a single counter attack, or goal. Wolf FC dominated possession as the opponents remained in their half attempting to stop Star Striker Craig White from bursting through the defense with his attacking-midfield partner.
Conclusively commentator Andrew Lincoln, who also starred in AMC's The Walking Dead as Rick Grimes concluded the game as a very organized game, very much the opposite of what he saw in their previous game. He went on to add that Wolf FC deserved the win and they completely dominated the game. A very good start in their 2-leg Qualifying stage for the Cup.
Result: 2 - 0 ~ Win
Breaking: I can concur with rumours that we've ended our search for a new Left-Midfielder citing Central-Midfielder Rick Grime's excellent performance as a Left-Midfielder, and that we can't actually find a good one. We understand fans may be disappointed but I and Chairman Joker Arroyo have concluded there isn't a huge budget remaining to afford the Left-Midfielder we would like to sign.
Last edited by zJordan; 07-03-2013 at 10:19 PM.
Wolf FC
Reddeviljohn 1-0 Junkiez
Reddeviljohn 84.0 4-4-2 - Junkiez 82.0 5-1-2-2
Strong opposition for the home side in round 2 and they were determined not to give away that all important away goal, it was a tight and cagey first half with only a few chances for both sides and the home side were finding it difficult to break down their 5 man defense but both sides went in at the break 0-0. Then on 55mins the game changes the away player Choi commits a foul and receives a yellow card and then spits at one of our boys and receives his 2nd yellow so has to walk so with the man advantage we now begin to push for the win and on 64mins Fernandez crosses for Hervias to head home and on 73mins Tilhamer replaces Holt and is booked on 76mins, the home side create a few more chances but will have to settle for a 1-0 win.
Goals: Hervias (64) MOTM: Moreau
Team Talk: A good win against a very strong side with a defensive set up and the game changed when their player spat at one of our boys and we didn't give away the all important away goal so we will take that.
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)
Team - Top Gun
Current Season: 110 - League Level: 93
League - Champion - 35
League - Runner Up - 19
League 3rd Place - 10
CUP - Champion - 8
CUP - Runner Up - 4
CUP - 3rd Place - 4
Champions League - Champion - 10
Champions League - Runner Up - 6
Champions League - 3rd Place - 9
Super League - Champion - 1
Super Cup - Champion - 1
Facebook - Top Eleven Portugal
looks like Nordeus is reaching an end, and i'm not the only one suffering from playing badly against lame teams. We'll see in 30 mins how we do against our cup opponents who are Q 52 vs our 57. Given the performances with weaker teams, we re bound to lose 5-0? :P
Ccccccccc..... believe I did the "right" thing by pulling out from all competition for this season..... No comment!
First .....
Then .....
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)