And...we're out of the season like Lipjoe said, this is enough and the end of the tolerance towards Nordeus and its ****. We would like to know how a 5-3-1-1 could overpower in order: 3-1-4-2, narrow diamond, 3-1-3-1-2, 3-5-2 V, 3-4-3. All this we tried tonight and NOTHINGA made the slightest difference. ALL our shots went wide, and of 4 occasions overall he got 2 goals both from corner kicks with an aerial defender on our side. Point: with an average Q52 main eleven he DOMINATED us and our avg 59 Q on the field. After a season with 50 injuries, a BUGGED server which generates only players 5 QUALITY under the real cap, idiotic results and OVER ALL A 100% RATE INJURY whenever we make a substitution, THIS IS WHERE IT STOPS. We will TANK the season, and if not enough, the one after as well.
If they think we'll buy again tokens making us lose and perform awfully, they're far from what will happen. And when a game becomes pissing rather than enjoyable that's when you find something better. I'll enjoy to see the fall of Nordeus not giving them any chanche to rob me anymore. Full Stop.
For the return, we'll play the most idiotic offensive and out of mind formation available.
Oh, pointless to say, the other manager showed up at minute 89. WHat a great way to win. I'll do the same for all the season.
Also, HOW THE **** my player ratings are alwais low winning and mysteriously they ****ING get 8 and 7 losing. Gotta be kidding me.