That s cause you nub bro 0.0
Value depends on Q, and as you know my server lacks young players when it comes down to max q x level. Yes you have 18 yo Q 55+ there but here max you see is q49 and for once in 8 seasons two q53+ ones.
I bought the striker low end q51, and the mc q 52,2. First one now having reached q55 (the same q you show) has a 21m value, while the other one sits at 18,5 being still q52. Meaning that once reached the same q (55), his value will be higher than your examples.
Also, the fact you are one level below doesnt mean you cant see young 18yo nearing either 5* or 6* as they spawn the level above you but at a quality which makes you able to see them
Finally, i never learn sa or roles to players nearing 6*. I prefer to buy q49-51 ones which gives way better gains in the long run.
In the end, yeah my players are indeed faster trainers than the ones tou showed