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Thread: youth centre

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    youth centre

    Hi there I'm new to this game so forgive me if this has been asked before but I'm a bit flummoxed by the way the youth centre works. I have just had my first 2 youth players promoted 1 was rubbish and was promoted without any cost and will just be cash fodder the other was actually quite good but would cost 18 tokens to add to my team. This seems absolutely ludicrous to me you have to wait almost a full season to get players promoted from the youth and then you are expected to pay for it where is the sense in this? I could just use those tokens to buy cash and be able to spend the money more cost effectively on the transfer market. I'm wondering if this continues in the future as you develop your youth centre I'm currently at lvl 2 and if it does has anyone raised this to the developers as in my mind it renders the youth centre a complete waste of time as you could spend the tokens more wisely in the transfermarket rather than promoting through youth.

    Thanks mark

  2. #2
    Famous Accyrover's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    There are numerous topics already on this subject, just use the search facility, IE. 'youth facility' 'youth players' 'academy' 'rip off' just to mention a few.
    Don't worry you'll soon get the hang of how the game works, tokens tokens tokens and yes you guessed it .. tokens.
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