Hi folks,
2night i'm playing against my big rival for first position in our league. At the moment i am that number one and of course i want to keep that position. Since he is the one who HAS to win i guess he'll play in an 3-4-3 formation.
This is how he played last match, but sometimes he switches the dmc for a real mc.
Normally i play in a 3-5-2 formation with 3 dc, 1 dmc, 2 mc. But i lost my last 2 matches against weaker teams, so now i'm just not sure what to do. My idea was to play a defensive 4-5-1, but my problem is that i don't have a dl, so on the left defence position i would have to play with a dc instead. How bad is that? How would you guys beat this team? I have to say, his team is far better then mine, so i will be difficult to beat him after all.