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Thread: ''Regularity'' of the games and judge for yourself

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Have you tried to raise the win bonus per game in all competitions? May be your players are not motivated to win.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I dont see anything strange in the fact those teams had beat you. They all are good teams, with five star players. When two great teams faces, everything can happen.
    And there arent so much difference between both teams.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Question: why are there three teams named dejan nasalovic?
    Cat Harrison likes this.

  4. #14
    Famous Morgan O'Bree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sre10 View Post
    Very similar,only difference because my team is stronger
    But that's the point,rigged and random

    @KoHearts See no.5 picture then tell something... I play this game since it was created,and known many things about this game...
    Follow match and change formations can only if player injury during a match or if he gets a red card so that the formation is not illegal...
    So what orders do you use?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Mokhtar Soliman View Post
    Have you tried to raise the win bonus per game in all competitions? May be your players are not motivated to win.
    [Redacted by moderation. Be more respectful towards other members.]

    Listen, the guy has more knowledge of this game than most of the forum members put together. Dont insult him with questions like this, just be compassionate and feel his pain in this situation! You are a noob, without a doubt or you would have known better than to ask this question, and in time, you will come to know exactly what he is talking about. Just give it time and you too will feel frustrated with the results, season after season, that defy explanation. The sadistic game engine was programmed to do this, without a doubt, to bring a strong sense of randomness to the game in order to create the effect of balance for the non-token buyers to be able to compete with the token buyers.

    Quote Originally Posted by KoHearts View Post
    He calls it rigged, I call it bad tactics.
    KoHearts, if anyone should know better, it should be you. I highly doubt tactics make a difference in most of these games. People like to think they are in control of the game with tactics and formation, but at the end of the day, the game engine calls the shots and is only as strong as the intellect who programmed it. Factor in the greed aspect and you have a game engine that promotes losing for strong teams in order to prevent LOL managers from quitting.

    someone posted in another thread like this that all good teams lose to LOL teams occasionally. sure Real Madrid, Barca, Bayern, ManUre, PSG, Milan - they all lose to inferior teams...a few times every couple of years! But this is the equivalent of Barca losing half their games in one season! Almost impossible, even if they play their "B" team!

    I just won the other day with an illegal formation with only 2 players in my own half = 2 defenders. I tried to lose on purpose as I am tanking the season and I cant even do that with crappy 'tactics' and formation. No, the gerbil-engine is not perfect, but with these results, its not even close to GOOD.
    Deghinsea, Sre10 and Yinhung like this.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    My second team...

    Ucestvujte u nagradnoj igri KK Partizan, ako necete da ucestvujete, svakako kliknite, ne kosta nista

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by surgal f.c. View Post
    Question: why are there three teams named dejan nasalovic?
    in honor of our friend who died he played with us more than 3 years,because we have our few teams named Dejan Masalovic.
    Ucestvujte u nagradnoj igri KK Partizan, ako necete da ucestvujete, svakako kliknite, ne kosta nista

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by surgal f.c. View Post
    I dont see anything strange in the fact those teams had beat you. They all are good teams, with five star players. When two great teams faces, everything can happen.
    And there arent so much difference between both teams.
    In highest levels most of the teams have players with 5*,and these teams with 5* are much worse and do not invest,is not interested,etc.
    And the big difference between the teams with the 5 and 6 star and the teams with 7 and 8 stars.
    I say again,last season in this level the team is weaker than my won all the trophies, and I was on
    I'm not saying that I needed to win, but to look at my team, I was 9. place that is s****. With this quality I must go to higher level and it is obvious that the results are rigged...
    Ucestvujte u nagradnoj igri KK Partizan, ako necete da ucestvujete, svakako kliknite, ne kosta nista

  9. #19
    Champion Ljepoje's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sre10 View Post
    It is time to start and to show how the rigged results! Here's what it looks like when a ..... (do not say what) begin to rigged results to my team and with the intention destroy team in which is invested at least 400-500T 400-500 green.
    In particular, it is known that certain teams that last season had a team weaker than my now won everything, and I am 9th place, while some of the other players who are ahead of me 20% following matches, do not buy it, no traning.

    Here, everyone has a brain can figure out that this is a rigging and this can not be a coincidence, purely intentional destruction of, because, of course, progress will be awful next season as the players 7 and 8 stars
    And then when you contact Support, you can simply tell you that your players might not have time lucky day (MAYBE THEY DID NOT HAVE luck all year long?) And the game displays the results as a real football ...
    Okay, so what are we, idiots? When the Real, Barca, Man Utd or any best team finished at the bottom of the table, or when the general was below the first 4 places?

    Or, since players 166Q 4* and 185Q 8 * may be worn, while teams with players 166Q thread follows the game or adjust things.
    And then finally, what to say about some of the teams from the other leagues 31lvl that will pass, that we should not cross the center to me, will buy players 179Q and I will have 174Q ...

    The results have nothing to say and not cry as much as obvious and lame setting is, in addition to 80% of cases, the opponents do not cross the center, do not follow, and then the end or reverse in whole or equalized 10 chance of course I miss it, they have one chance goal! The weakest teams took me about 20 points, poor and miserable! In addition, my team is probably stronger than a half of a higher rank, even some that are out there fighting for the passage of ...

    And this is not the first season that this is happening with my team, last season was a similar situation but I somehow ended up on the 6th place, and then the strongest team, even the previous seasons and 12 place, this is not my shame but their!

    What to say when the connection breaks during a match in 60. minute at result 4-2 and once again works written 2-0 end
    My team is only one,9. place!

    I just saw your thread and well, what to say? I tried to read and compare the comments on the serbian resp english forum and to be honest, I believe mostly of the answers you were given make sense. There has been similar topics/threads like yours, and myself have been in the same situation, like many others.

    I don't know how "good" or "bad" footballmanager you are, or your understanding for football for that matter. But things on T11 vs "real life" can't and shouldn't be compared. This is as many already stated - a game - and in a game everything can happen, even the unavoidable. Some of us say quality, stars, tacticts or formations make no sense/impact, while other say the opposite. But since there aren't any clear evidence or study for that matter, it becomes just speculations and our own interpretation.

    Now as I see it, you have 3 teams (same lvl) in the same league. Some of us would call it cheating, non-regular etc etc, but since it isn't against the rules/faq, we say it's "okey". And you probably want to take and place them on the 1th, 2nd and 3rd place, correct? Now, in order to make it "equally", the NGE probably decided to disadvantage one of your teams and give the other teams a chance/opportunity to fight for the 1th-4th place. Maybe to encourage the others manager that they still have a chance, despite you having 3 teams. Now, this could be "unfair" against you since you feel that the NGE is working against you - but unfortunately it's nothing you can do about, other than accept the situation.

    It's like the saying, "Ne može i jare i pare"

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ljepoje View Post
    I just saw your thread and well, what to say? I tried to read and compare the comments on the serbian resp english forum and to be honest, I believe mostly of the answers you were given make sense. There has been similar topics/threads like yours, and myself have been in the same situation, like many others.

    I don't know how "good" or "bad" footballmanager you are, or your understanding for football for that matter. But things on T11 vs "real life" can't and shouldn't be compared. This is as many already stated - a game - and in a game everything can happen, even the unavoidable. Some of us say quality, stars, tacticts or formations make no sense/impact, while other say the opposite. But since there aren't any clear evidence or study for that matter, it becomes just speculations and our own interpretation.

    Now as I see it, you have 3 teams (same lvl) in the same league. Some of us would call it cheating, non-regular etc etc, but since it isn't against the rules/faq, we say it's "okey". And you probably want to take and place them on the 1th, 2nd and 3rd place, correct? Now, in order to make it "equally", the NGE probably decided to disadvantage one of your teams and give the other teams a chance/opportunity to fight for the 1th-4th place. Maybe to encourage the others manager that they still have a chance, despite you having 3 teams. Now, this could be "unfair" against you since you feel that the NGE is working against you - but unfortunately it's nothing you can do about, other than accept the situation.

    It's like the saying, "Ne može i jare i pare"
    Ahahahahah pa dobro bre covece,lakse je ovako... I cak nisi ni procitao sve,jasno pise da je moj samo jedan tim i ima i objasnjenje zasto se timovi tako zovu
    Ne moze se svasta dogoditi na najvisim levelima,kao sto sam ponovio mnogo puta ponovicu ponovo... Cist primer je npr prosla sezona gde tim malo slabiji tada od mog sada osvojio lagano sve u jacoj konkurenciji,a ja sam npr 9.mesto. E sad svako ko igra na tim najvisim levelima jasno zna da se pojedini timovi guraju od strane 'nekih' i to sto ce nordeus ispirati mozak kako ne namestaju,to je smesno.
    Vidis kad si rekao da se realni fudbal i T11 ne mogu porediti,napravio si veliku gresku,a sad cu ti reci i zasto Kad se obratis supportu zbog neverovatnih rezultata,oni ce ti bas odgovoriti kako T11 predstavlja situacije iz realnog fudbala i da se ne moze uvek pobedjivati sto i treba,ja nikad nisam rekao da ja trebam sve da pobedim,ali da ja ne prodjem u ovakvoj konkurenciji sa ovakvim timom,a ne desava se prvi put,to ne moze biti nista drugo osim namestanja. Ali citiracu ti primer prethodnih komentara,da ne bih ja pisao isto to ''Real Madrid, Barca, Bayern - they all lose to inferior teams...a few times every couple of years! But this is the equivalent of Barca losing half their games in one season! Almost impossible, even if they play their "B" team!''
    Mozes li naci neki tim koji ima igrace 7 i 8 zvezdica a da ostaje u ligi u ovakvoj konkurenciji? Dovoljno je to pitanje i sve je jasno
    Ucestvujte u nagradnoj igri KK Partizan, ako necete da ucestvujete, svakako kliknite, ne kosta nista

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