I totally agree with you but they should factor in a failsafe of sorts, that it is impossible to win with 8 players vs 10 with an illegal formation against much higher quality. There are just some situations that winning is impossible. They have yet to fix it so that when there are these situations, the team that is supposed to lose, actually loses. There have been some absolutely mind-blowing, illogical, troll wins posted on this forum that defy explanation.
You are bang on the mark about the dice-rolling aspect though. its a roll of the dice each time you train, which is a good example that I have discussed in detail in another thread. This is a game based on numbers since there is no action one can manipulate. So numbers and odds are what we are dealing with, much like poker. Only thing is, there is a best hand that cannot be beat in poker (lets forget about the bluffing and bidding aspect of the game for this example). I have seen several managers with this equivalent of the best poker hand and you want to tell me that someone can and should beat it on occasion?
The game engine needs an overhaul, as does nordeus management.