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Thread: injuries, injuries, and more injuries! -.-

  1. #11
    Dreamer Keith Gaule's Avatar
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    That's all very well, but when one of your top scorers, that you have spent time training up to be better than any player you will replace with, gets hit with a 6+ injury ... it sucks balls. Also, if it's a scout that you brought in you're not selling him off so easily, at the loss of that precious 50T!

    It's simply Nord forcing you to buy red packs. Nothing more. There's no realism to it. I've had players injured in the first game, within the first few minutes of match time ... that just does not happen in reality no matter what way you swing it.
    It's all luck, nothing more. Whether bad or good.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    seems like players on topeleven are all phaggots.
    foulmouthbiotch likes this.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel901 View Post
    oh looks! how cute!!! another injury today!
    I was thinking the same thing about the injury thread, theres more injuries threads than i get injuries!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ljepoje View Post
    Injuries are a part of the game (as same as winning, losing, draw etc). The best way to tackle this issue is to sell/replace the injured players instead of healing them. Or play hard tackle and get back at them. I've been playing this game for 9 months and I don't see any differences in playing/using easy, normal or hard tackling.
    Nope. disagree. I would rather use red packs than spend tokens needlessly. Must be nice to have a ton of tokens!

  5. #15
    VIP pnr8555's Avatar
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    Red card is more worse! Even tokens can't fix that! Are you going to red card all my ****ing defender?



  6. #16
    Pro leddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel901 View Post
    Cup just started just like the new season and once again injuries strikes!

    my best 2 players got injuries for 6 days

    + another 1 for 4 days ( all in the same game )

    how am i suposed to win anything now... so annoying

    My superstar R.Plant is out for 17 days (11 to go) had more injuries too....I just put a player out of position of good quality to fill his spot (DC moved to DL or change to three at the back and formation )....use your head and enjoy the fun of trying to get around it...or of course you could buy lots of tokens and buy more players.
    Cat Harrison likes this.
    LEDDY FC Level 7
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    Champions League Finalist season 2 (The Amsterdam Arena Spud Gun/Helmet Cheese Penalty fiasco )

  7. #17
    Rookie Flinger's Avatar
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    I do understand the injuries, and all, specially how they are more frequent on the beginning of the season and all, but come on...

    Injuries may be based on premier league, but they are leaving out a few factors that do matter a LOT, like in real life there are a lot of dead periods where players can recover without missing matches, like the holidays, and national team matches. In T11 you have no such periods, so you begin a new season with the same injuries you ended the previous.

    Second, i do believe that injury length is WAY of. most usual, for me, is injuries between 4 and 6 days. This is 4 to 6 weeks (of better, 4 to 6 league matches). 1 or 2 days is very, very rare. Now worst, is the REALLY long term injuries you get. You would say that a 1 season long injury is something you should see very rarely. In this morning match i got my 3rd in 5 seasons. this is 19 days long... had already 2 of 20 in previous seasons, not counting a couple of around 14... Then there is the time that a player takes to regain condition, 1 to 2 more days. Greens? nop, i have to use them to recover the shortened squad between matches, as 15 minutes apart means it's impossible to normally recover any player... It's like leaving one match and getting into another just after taking a shower...

    Also there is the number of matches on the beginning of the season. TOP Premier league teams have only to care with the league matches, at the beginning of the season, worst case, CL/EL preliminary rounds. We have to deal with 2 games a day from day 3 on, no breaks, until you are out of one competition...
    Then, there is squad size... my injury count is on pair with the premier league, or at least, on pair with the TOP teams on the injury list, despite me being extremely careful with training and condition before matches. Difference is i only have 22 players, teams usually have 24/25, and there are a lot more on the beginning of the season. And if you get a really bad season start, there is always reserve teams and even the Juniors Team you can use to complete your squad...
    S.C. Braga, my home town's team, had a very hard period a couple of years back, where they had one match for the European competitions where they didn't have enough available players. So they got one or two players from the Junior team to fill in the spots on the bench. It was considered an exceptional situation... I've been on that situation since day 1 of the season. And it's not being the worst season so far...

    Then there is the injured players themselves... my main formation is 442 classic. I usually have 2 players for each position.
    This makes, as an example, 4 DC's... usually i try to get also players with more than one position... this year still have one DC to hire, but have 1 DLDC and 1 DRDC, so makes 5 DC players total... guess what???? i only have 2 available ATM... Guess which ones are injured??? The Top 3, of course... Add to that my Top ST (bought at the beginning of the season), and my main right winger, and you'll understand why i'm ranting...
    Last edited by Flinger; 08-29-2013 at 11:31 AM.

  8. #18
    Champion Ljepoje's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by foulmouthbiotch View Post
    Nope. disagree. I would rather use red packs than spend tokens needlessly. Must be nice to have a ton of tokens!
    Not when you can buy players for 1-3T (depending on lvl and server). I rather save those red packs for future use

  9. #19
    Rookie Flinger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ljepoje View Post
    Not when you can buy players for 1-3T (depending on lvl and server). I rather save those red packs for future use
    Not at the beginning of the season, unless you log in at very specific times... i managed to get 4 players with 14 tokens at the first day of the season, and missed a 5th one for running out of tokens, because i stayed awake till 7 am... but during the week it's impossible for me to do it, and during the hours i can log in it's impossible to get a decent player for that amount of tokens...

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ljepoje View Post
    Not when you can buy players for 1-3T (depending on lvl and server). I rather save those red packs for future use
    yeah, of course, because everyone is on perfect servers where 4-5* players go for 1-3T. wow, some people are living the life of Reilly! Unfortunately, we are not all gifted with such a situation. using the red packs instead of buying a new player is the logical approach in most situations where the injury is over 6 days.

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