Discussion on Injury Frequency
I am hesitant to start this thread because on some level I feel it can't lead anywhere good. But then again, some people do seem to genuinely have opinions on this and it is an issue worth discussing. All I would ask is if you want to contribute to this thread:
1. Stay on topic! This thread is for discussing injuries in the game and whether they are more or less frequent than in real life. I realise it will also drift into other areas concerning injuries, which is okay, but try to keep it at least vaguely on topic.
2. Follow Adam Hills golden rule - Don't be a Dick! If you disagree with someone, then say so and say why. Don't call people names. Don't ridicule people. Don't try to bully people into feeling bad for not agreeing with you.
So anyway, injuries. I stated on another thread that injury levels were broadly realistic in the game and that, in fact, to fully simulate the RL effect of injuries, you would probably have to increase them in some regards. I never had a chance to qualify this statement because the thread was locked. What I meant by this was that most teams in F11 suffer less from injury than real life teams because:
1. The option to use red packs as a magic cure
2. The artificial limits placed on injuries by the game
3. The option to sell a badly-injured player for his full value
Some people seemed personally affronted by this post and said I was asking Nordeus to increase injury frequency. I wasn't. The context of the post was that I believe that using 'realism' as a rationalisation for asking for less injuries is misguided. If you think there should be less injuries that is a valid opinion, but not under the guise of realism.
Actually proving (or indeed disproving) this is harder. I can tell you that right now in the Premier League, there are 80 players listed as injured, which conveniently is exactly four per team. There are a few factors to take into account when assessing this figure though:
1. Squad sizes in the Premier League are 25 players (roughly, there are a bunch of mitigating factors), compared to 20-22 in F11. So you would expect about 10-20% less injuries in an average F11 squad.
2. However, as a counterbalance to that, it is very early in the PL season. There are generally less injuries at the start of the season than the end. F11 has no summer break so it doesn't have this phenomenon (so much anyway, there is a small effect due to more people buying players early in the season)
3. Different definitions on what qualifies as an 'injury'
So from a realism standpoint, I would say that F11 teams should have an AVERAGE of 3-4 players injured at any given time. Do they? Well my experience across several teams would say no. I nearly always have less than that. Of course, this is in part due to red packs, which RL managers don't have available. A few times I have had an 'injury stack up' but this happens in real life too. For example, Arsenal and Crystal Place both currently have 9 players listed as injured. I've certainly never had that many, with or without red packs!
What is other people's experience of injuries? If you've actually kept track of it and have figures then great! If not, how many player do you usually have injured at any given time from memory?
Last edited by Piemaster; 09-16-2013 at 05:36 PM.
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